


New member
Hey Dylan.

Great content on youtube.

Quick question. What would you say is best to pair with YK11. I have experimented with mk677 and rad140.

The plan... Gonna run S4 alone this month to expirement with just a natural test boost. Next month I'm gonna do a mini pct with GW, natural test boost and clomid and then I wanna run a 12 week sarms "cycle" with YK11 at the base.

Looking to gain lean mass and size without the water weight, don't really care about strength. My diet is really clean with 5/6 meals a day and I maybe do 1 or 2 cheat meals a week but more often than not only 1 cheat meal a week. Would appreciate it immensly if you could get back to me when you got time.

I'm 1.79m (5.9) , current weight is 94kg (206 pounds) and around 10% body fat.
i honestly dont recommend using yk11... it has very little testing done on it and often you dont even know what you are getting... not something i recommend
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