
Wiring Money Information


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I just posted this in a thread but thought it might be worth making its own entry as it may effect how some Bros handle payments.

There is a thing with Western Union right now. Even when you fill out the paperwork and confirm with the agent that it is no ID and give the test question/answer some how these things get lost in the transaction. You need to call customer service as soon as you leave the store to confirm - No ID and the Test question and answer. Just yesterday, I did the store interaction, making sure the worker understood everything, and when I got to my car I called the customer service number on my receipt and they didn't have the Test Question/Answer.

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Double and Triple check it just to be sure... I have asked the person twice in person called after to be sure and it still wasnt done... Some people... Def good advice

I just posted this in a thread but thought it might be worth making its own entry as it may effect how some Bros handle payments.

There is a thing with Western Union right now. Even when you fill out the paperwork and confirm with the agent that it is no ID and give the test question/answer some how these things get lost in the transaction. You need to call customer service as soon as you leave the store to confirm - No ID and the Test question and answer. Just yesterday, I did the store interaction, making sure the worker understood everything, and when I got to my car I called the customer service number on my receipt and they didn't have the Test Question/Answer.

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Good to know man. I've had issues with WU in the past myself, So it's nothing new for me. It's amazing anymore to have a transaction go through without some kind of issue
Shit I love western union. It's easy and fast. I send money with my phone and never had a problem..
I hear ya brother. Luckily every transaction I've had has been smooth. Hope it stays that way!
Yea it's lots of new Shit coming out. Google wallet,and other Shit,but I'm too old to b learning all this new technology lol
There are a lot of factors that seem to effect it, where you are, the amount your sending, If you ask me Walmart to Walmart is the worst of all of them. Maybe it's just the area but you can burn thru a name in 5 transactions, we don't even think about accepting it anymore. The only way it's worth it at all is when you have some fake id's to burn, not to say to much about it but abraxas has quite a few good guys right now for anyone who wants to go that route, what's cool is you don't have to pay for them until you receive them. That's really only an option for someone who has a few good guys working for them though, if your on your own I don't think that would be an option.
Good information, my friend. I always confirm with them and then have them read it back to me before they submit. Calling customer service is a great idea, so thanks for the tip!
Anytime i use western union these days i opt for the KIOSK and enter and process my own payment. No KIOSK, No western union for me..
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