
which one to opt from these 4 sarms


hey greetings

have got my order of lgd,osta,gw and sr9009--1bottle each

have mild gyno..still clearing .. and am on ralloxifen 60mg/day

looking to cut fat and have lean gains

have heard osta gausing gyno but don't know if with existing ralox everday it will still cause trouble

was planning to do an sr9009 alone 6 weeks and get rid of the fat(also aid in gyno clearing quicker due to fat loss) but was wondering if it would do anything for lean gains

can someone pls help me with the planning

thank you
Well you bought your sarms at the right place....
MK-2866 is not going to cause gyno issues, as far as your other protocal, Rick should be able to direct you as to how to run it.
good luck....;)
It's very rare but Ostarine can cause a little gyno if your extremely sensitive but not usually. It's good to have aromasin on hand anyways

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From my own experience, If your trying to cut body fat mostly, I'd go with a combination of GW & SR. Those two work great together. You'll get a tremendous amount of endurance with GW and great fat loss from the SR. For me, SR helps with fat loss the most and it also made my muscles feel solid and full even though I'm in a caloric deficit.
From my own experience, If your trying to cut body fat mostly, I'd go with a combination of GW & SR. Those two work great together. You'll get a tremendous amount of endurance with GW and great fat loss from the SR. For me, SR helps with fat loss the most and it also made my muscles feel solid and full even though I'm in a caloric deficit.
I would agree. SR and gw are synergistic. They speed up your metabolism and really burn excess fat. I love the stuff. I don't ever want to quit.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
thank you guys for the prompt reply,help appreciated

had thought of combining osta with sr9009 and using lgd with gw in another cycle..

will ask rick for his suggestion but lemme know- to put on lean mass while cutting what combo and dosage best as first sarms cycle

I would agree. SR and gw are synergistic. They speed up your metabolism and really burn excess fat. I love the stuff. I don't ever want to quit.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

From my own experience, If your trying to cut body fat mostly, I'd go with a combination of GW & SR. Those two work great together. You'll get a tremendous amount of endurance with GW and great fat loss from the SR. For me, SR helps with fat loss the most and it also made my muscles feel solid and full even though I'm in a caloric deficit.

It's very rare but Ostarine can cause a little gyno if your extremely sensitive but not usually. It's good to have aromasin on hand anyways

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well you bought your sarms at the right place....
MK-2866 is not going to cause gyno issues, as far as your other protocal, Rick should be able to direct you as to how to run it.
good luck....;)
hey greetings

have got my order of lgd,osta,gw and sr9009--1bottle each

have mild gyno..still clearing .. and am on ralloxifen 60mg/day

looking to cut fat and have lean gains

have heard osta gausing gyno but don't know if with existing ralox everday it will still cause trouble

was planning to do an sr9009 alone 6 weeks and get rid of the fat(also aid in gyno clearing quicker due to fat loss) but was wondering if it would do anything for lean gains

can someone pls help me with the planning

thank you

Hey bro, I have the perfect protocol for you, but you need to to get a couple more bottles of each at least to get a good 12 week run out of this. Anything less than that is a waste, so I highly recommend doing that. There is absolutely no risk of Gyno with any sarm

As always, get everything from

If you go to the discounts tab you can save 30% by getting buy two get one free

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
hey rick appreciate that

I wanted to see how each product works as this would be my 1st experience with sarms

with reports of cancer at high doses..and strong shutdown with lgd wanted to see how I react to these

fighting a gyno with ralox and 70 perecent of it is gone...that's why not starting with osta..

was thinking of starting with sr9009 20mg divided into 4 doses -1st week and then up it to 30mg divided into 6 doses-2 weeks
then add osta 12.5 mg 1st week and then 25mg till the remainder which should get me 8 weeks plus--50mg/ml-30doses(don't want a strong shut down and also an estro surge flaring the gyno

then after a break use lgd with gw..

I know its a weak cycle but want to see the effects before I jump to a 12 week multiple sarm cycle

don't wanna try the s4 due to vision isues..

one question--why do u use gw in the pct..should we not use hcgenerate es with clomid and daa

Hey bro, I have the perfect protocol for you, but you need to to get a couple more bottles of each at least to get a good 12 week run out of this. Anything less than that is a waste, so I highly recommend doing that. There is absolutely no risk of Gyno with any sarm

As always, get everything from

If you go to the discounts tab you can save 30% by getting buy two get one free

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
guys the bottles don't have an expiry date or storing info..would anyone know about this..its 365 days hot where I stay
hey rick appreciate that

I wanted to see how each product works as this would be my 1st experience with sarms

with reports of cancer at high doses..and strong shutdown with lgd wanted to see how I react to these

fighting a gyno with ralox and 70 perecent of it is gone...that's why not starting with osta..

was thinking of starting with sr9009 20mg divided into 4 doses -1st week and then up it to 30mg divided into 6 doses-2 weeks
then add osta 12.5 mg 1st week and then 25mg till the remainder which should get me 8 weeks plus--50mg/ml-30doses(don't want a strong shut down and also an estro surge flaring the gyno

then after a break use lgd with gw..

I know its a weak cycle but want to see the effects before I jump to a 12 week multiple sarm cycle

don't wanna try the s4 due to vision isues..

one question--why do u use gw in the pct..should we not use hcgenerate es with clomid and daa
Bro I don't know where your info is coming from but ostarine does not convert to estrogen so gyno isn't a concern. You can always run a AI with it if you want at a low dose but you are over thinking it. GW does not cause cancer. We have covered a thousand times over why that rat study is flawed. It doesn't even affect humans according to another study that completely contradicts it

I still recommending starting everything together but you can stagger them out if that what you really want to do. That's your call. However I think you need to stick to the proper dosing I laid out. Running smaller doses is not going to help you see the results you are after and sarms have no sure effects to speak of so there's no reason not to

GW is used in pct to help your body process nutrients better as well as controlling all the cortisol and fat gain that likes to come on post cycle.

Hcgenerate is one of the biggest wastes of money on the planet so completely forget about using that.....EVER

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
thank you rick will follow your dosage protocol

should sarms be empty stomach or can be after a meal..

also I use a pre workout drink which is pretty strong n amazing..should I skip that when on gw pre workout

Bro I don't know where your info is coming from but ostarine does not convert to estrogen so gyno isn't a concern. You can always run a AI with it if you want at a low dose but you are over thinking it. GW does not cause cancer. We have covered a thousand times over why that rat study is flawed. It doesn't even affect humans according to another study that completely contradicts it

I still recommending starting everything together but you can stagger them out if that what you really want to do. That's your call. However I think you need to stick to the proper dosing I laid out. Running smaller doses is not going to help you see the results you are after and sarms have no sure effects to speak of so there's no reason not to

GW is used in pct to help your body process nutrients better as well as controlling all the cortisol and fat gain that likes to come on post cycle.

Hcgenerate is one of the biggest wastes of money on the planet so completely forget about using that.....EVER

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
thank you rick will follow your dosage protocol

should sarms be empty stomach or can be after a meal..

also I use a pre workout drink which is pretty strong n amazing..should I skip that when on gw pre workout

it makes no difference whether you take sarms with food or not... the only time food is required is if you are finding you have an upset taking sarms on an empty stomach...

you can still use your pre workout if you want with gw... thats up to you... sarms are all non stimulant so there is no interference or overload there
thank u Dylan...cheers

it makes no difference whether you take sarms with food or not... the only time food is required is if you are finding you have an upset taking sarms on an empty stomach...

you can still use your pre workout if you want with gw... thats up to you... sarms are all non stimulant so there is no interference or overload there
thank you rick will follow your dosage protocol

should sarms be empty stomach or can be after a meal..

also I use a pre workout drink which is pretty strong n amazing..should I skip that when on gw pre workout
As Dylan said, an empty stomach should be fine but some people do get stomach discomfort. I personally take mine on an empty stomach

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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