
Weight gainers

Re: RE: Weight gainers

Bigjon187 said:
What are the best gainers out there needs to taste good and mix well
I'd stay away from gainers bro. Whey protein is good, but gainers are full of sugar and other fillers that are terrible for you. Just add oats, banana, peanut butter, and olive oil to shakes to make a healthy gainer if need be, but I'd personally try to eat as much whole food meals as possible
Bigjon187 said:
What are the best gainers out there needs to taste good and mix well

probably one of the worst and most unhealthy products you could invest in.... these are loaded with fat, sugar, sodium, etc... just a composition of the worst possible ingredients for you in one drink to add nothing more than unwanted weight... i would walk by those as they don't exist
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