Hello Dylan long time follower here! I'm wondering if you'd be interested in doing a video on "Steroids in Sobriety". I don't believe I've ever seen one but forgive me if you have. I myself am in recovery from alcoholism and understand the dangers of different compounds and the chemical functions they have on the brain. I see so many addicts get clean, get in shape, get to feeling better, jump right into aas and wind up dead or in a treatment center shortly afterwards due to there relapse. I myself still cycle and will continue too! Through my knowledge gained from you and trial and error on my part I know what I can and can't run. For Example No 19-nors, EQ, Halo, Anadrol etc. At 6 years sober my support network and I feel limited to compounds such as test, t-bol, primo, proviron & var. (D-BOL and WINNY) if necessary. I would love to hear your take on this.