
very high LH after pct


New member
age 22 after completing my first injectable cycle of test prop and boldenone for 12 weeks i completed my 4 weeks pct of clomid and nolvadex and then i did the lab test of total testostrone,lh and fsh bu5 surprisingly my lh hormones are really high but my total testostrone is ok.

my results are below -

LH - 34.41 mIU/mL normal range - 1.50-9.30

FSH - 18.05 mIU/mL normal range - 1.40-18.10

TOTAL TESTOSTERONE - 715.60 ng/dl normal range - 241.00 - 827.00

i have no idea what these tests says and i don't know if i am recovered or not. what do you guys think of this result? do i need to visit doctor or not?

please let me know if need to worry about anything thnks
No your not recovered, I really don't understand why your LH would be that high, LH is most people comes down relatively quickly. If it was a little high I wouldn't worry so much. But that is pretty damn high after a PCT. Maybe Dylan or one of the other who have ran tons of bloods can chip in here. My LH has always spiked but has come down relatively quickly.
U sure u werent using anything still? How soon after pct did u do bloods. That is really high lh and high end fsh.
I'm guessing you ran your blood work while still under the influence of serms. ..Clomid and nolva. That's why your LH is high since they stimulate them. You really shouldn't run bloods any sooner than two weeks after PCT is complete, to get an accurate reading.

Clomid and nolvadex have long half lives and they give temporary boosts to your numbers. LH, FSH, and total test will all drop after they clear
I'm guessing you ran your blood work while still under the influence of serms. ..Clomid and nolva. That's why your LH is high since they stimulate them. You really shouldn't run bloods any sooner than two weeks after PCT is complete, to get an accurate reading.

Clomid and nolvadex have long half lives and they give temporary boosts to your numbers. LH, FSH, and total test will all drop after they clear

I'm with Rick on this.. Looks like its still in your system.
when did you do bloodwork? thats ridiculous high for lh and fsh but as rick said, im guessing you didn't give enough time before you ran it?
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