
Veins on winstrol


New member
Hi Dylan, just a quick question. Noticed some pulsating veins recently come up on the sides of my forehead whilst on winstrol, and I don't like the look of them. are these veins likely to disappear after cycle? Otherwise I'm debating coming off
Worrywa do these veins dive back post workout? Or are they consistently at the skin?
Also are they on your temple?

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My cycle is test p 100ml shot every other day and 50mg of winstrol per day, these veins have recently come up this week (week 3 into the cycle) and remain on both sides of my temple post workout. Will these veins go down if I come off cycle? Not sure if its a permanent thing now or whelther it's just down to blood at the minute.
How is your BP? Is your heart rate irregular? A picture would help if possible. I'm a paramedic so I'm thinking on a diagnosis standpoint here, setting the supplements aside.
If all of the above are squared away then I wouldn't stress about a cardiovascular issue.
It is not commom for temporal veins/arteries to show and/or pulsate.

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Hi thanks for the reply, I had my blood pressure checked a week or so before they showed up and it was all good. This week however I feel like my blood pressure has gone up and my heart rate is slightly faster. Ive decided to come off cycle to hopefully see them go down. Was really loving the cycle till these showed up but don't love it enough to have the veins on either side of my head. Where can I add a picture?
I haven't taken cycle support, can I add these in to help with the veins and blood pressure ? I was looking to get some GW but no too sure if that will help me at this stage. I just want these veins to go and then maybe I can run another cycle in the future. Can coq10 and hawthorn berries help me at this point or is it too late?
Your blood pressure is probably elevated I'm sure. How is your diet, sodium intake, etc?

That's a pretty good sign of it. You also never posted your complete stats.
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