
Updated Cycle Pics!


Founding Member
Super Moderator
Just wanted to give a quick update on my cycle pics... I have to say that with all the added stress, lessening of eating as much as I should etc. I still have not missed a day in the gym, regardless and am very pleased with how things are progressing! You be the judge of that...



DylanGemelli said:
Just wanted to give a quick update on my cycle pics... I have to say that with all the added stress, lessening of eating as much as I should etc. I still have not missed a day in the gym, regardless and am very pleased with how things are progressing! You be the judge of that...




That takes serious dedication man. Not everyone can pull that off. And as a site leader, I like how you have no problem post in' up pics of yourself. To many fucking keyboard cowboy's these days. Makes me sick! :roll:
JM750 said:
That takes serious dedication man. Not everyone can pull that off. And as a site leader, I like how you have no problem post in' up pics of yourself. To many fucking keyboard cowboy's these days. Makes me sick! :roll:

Thanks brother, I appreciate that... If your going to lead by example, then I feel you should set one... I try my best to the that person that can be an example for everyone.... I make a lot of mistakes but I think where I differ in leadership than most is that Im an actual man.. I'll step back and admit when Im wrong and do whatever I have to do to make it right without making excuses or justifications... That's what being a man and a leader is all about in my book..
RickRock said:
Fucking shredded man! Nice work!

Thank you brother... Definitely getting a big strength increase as well... A lot of new dieting strategies that are really paying dividends too... Im learning quite a significant bit right now to be honest...
Thin fucking skinned....Good job man..I think I see ab muscles that I didnt know existed.

LOL i try to create those brother! :lol:

Thank you for the compliments bro!
Looking shred bro, congratulations on your hard work and dedication!!

Changing my life around one day at a time!
Must be the tren storm [WINKING FACE]


It definitely did things I have never seen man, that's no lie and it did it FAST... the problem is I simply could not handle it to the point where it has me concerned I won't be who I need to be in the final stages of wedding preparation and the actual wedding itself so for now I had to stop but I am not letting go of it either, that's mine! Saving it for a more appropriate time!
DylanGemelli said:
Must be the tren storm [WINKING FACE]


It definitely did things I have never seen man, that's no lie and it did it FAST... the problem is I simply could not handle it to the point where it has me concerned I won't be who I need to be in the final stages of wedding preparation and the actual wedding itself so for now I had to stop but I am not letting go of it either, that's mine! Saving it for a more appropriate time!

Ya true. Gotta watch that agression.

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