
Ultra Recomp Log


Hey I should be able to post on this daily.. will try to keep it updated this will be my third sarm stack.. Starting off with the super stack .. loved it gained size and muscle took time off then used the shred stack.. lost almost 20 pounds got sloppy tho at the end of it still diet is not perfect just wasnt happy with how i looked... So I ordered the ultra recomp stack and cant wait to try RAD 140 mixed with lgd s4 and gw.. Its only a 8 week cycle but I am going to try to make the best of it.. I am sitting at about 140 pounds 5ft 7, 25 years old I am going to get my diet in check and try to put on some lean gains hopefully get back to 150-160 range in these 8 weeks... I will try and keep this updated daily cant wait to see the results..
Hey I should be able to post on this daily.. will try to keep it updated this will be my third sarm stack.. Starting off with the super stack .. loved it gained size and muscle took time off then used the shred stack.. lost almost 20 pounds got sloppy tho at the end of it still diet is not perfect just wasnt happy with how i looked... So I ordered the ultra recomp stack and cant wait to try RAD 140 mixed with lgd s4 and gw.. Its only a 8 week cycle but I am going to try to make the best of it.. I am sitting at about 140 pounds 5ft 7, 25 years old I am going to get my diet in check and try to put on some lean gains hopefully get back to 150-160 range in these 8 weeks... I will try and keep this updated daily cant wait to see the results..
Very nice bro. That stack should treat you really well, and I expect you'll get some great results from it. I'll be following, and looking forward to watching your progress

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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