
Tryng my first sarms and preparing for my next cycle Advice needed!


Dear Dylan,

I just ordered a 4 week supply of 6 sarms:
1-4 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-4 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-4 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-4 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-4 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)
1-4 MK-677 25mg per day once in the AM

just to try them before i start my next cycle which should start after my sarm cycle right away.
my first question is do i need pct for a 4 week sarm or can i get into my cycle right away?
if yes i do need pct can you please tell me which sarm to exclude from the ones i bought.i dont want to delay my cycle .

2nd question:
im 39 years old 5'9 tall 180 pounds and 8% fat

my target is to be 190 to 200 pounds max and 6% fat and keep it maintained for the whole year long.

what 12 week steroid cycle and sarm do you recomend that will help me gain 15 to 20 pounds of clean and lean muscle and able to keep it after my cycle plus loose the 2% fat and stay shreddded.and how can i keep it maintained ? would sarms be enough to keep them?or i have to always keep using roids to stay in shape. (ofcourse my diet and training are all in check)
money is no issue i just want clean mass and stay ripped the whole year long.

incase you ask i have done 3 cycles before my last cycle was:
1-6: test cyp 500 week
6-12: test prop 100 eod
6-12: tren a 50 eod
1-12:adex eod
6-12: hcg 1000 a week
1-12: proviron

clomid: 100/100/50/50
nolva: 50/50/25/25
hgh: 3iu/3iu/3iu/3iu/ (3 clicks using insulin like pen before bedtime) orignally i had 8 week supply but i broke the last vail .
igf-1 lr3: 15mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg (pre-workout only sub-q injection)

As for my diet im taking about 2300 calories per day on and off cycle
about 275 protien
about 100 carbs
about 100 fat
(i increased my carb intake the first 2 weeks of pct then returned back to 100)

I workout 4 times a week changing the program about every month to keep my body in shock

i started before my last cycle at 191 pounds 11%
ended my cycle on 187 pounds 8.5% fat
and during my pct i lost 7 pounds and about .5% fat

this is where im at now(180 pounds and 8% fat ) on my 4th week pct still have 3 week of igf-1 lr3 to go.

thank you so much in advance if you see anything wrong in my program please let me know i have full trust in you and have seen all your youtube vids it helped me allot

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Dear Dylan,

I just ordered a 4 week supply of 6 sarms:
1-4 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-4 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-4 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-4 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-4 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)
1-4 MK-677 25mg per day once in the AM

just to try them before i start my next cycle which should start after my sarm cycle right away.
my first question is do i need pct for a 4 week sarm or can i get into my cycle right away?
if yes i do need pct can you please tell me which sarm to exclude from the ones i bought.i dont want to delay my cycle .

2nd question:
im 39 years old 5'9 tall 180 pounds and 8% fat

my target is to be 190 to 200 pounds max and 6% fat and keep it maintained for the whole year long.

what 12 week steroid cycle and sarm do you recomend that will help me gain 15 to 20 pounds of clean and lean muscle and able to keep it after my cycle plus loose the 2% fat and stay shreddded.and how can i keep it maintained ? would sarms be enough to keep them?or i have to always keep using roids to stay in shape. (ofcourse my diet and training are all in check)
money is no issue i just want clean mass and stay ripped the whole year long.

incase you ask i have done 3 cycles before my last cycle was:
1-6: test cyp 500 week
6-12: test prop 100 eod
6-12: tren a 50 eod
1-12:adex eod
6-12: hcg 1000 a week
1-12: proviron

clomid: 100/100/50/50
nolva: 50/50/25/25
hgh: 3iu/3iu/3iu/3iu/ (3 clicks using insulin like pen before bedtime) orignally i had 8 week supply but i broke the last vail .
igf-1 lr3: 15mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg/50mcg (pre-workout only sub-q injection)

As for my diet im taking about 2300 calories per day on and off cycle
about 275 protien
about 100 carbs
about 100 fat
(i increased my carb intake the first 2 weeks of pct then returned back to 100)

I workout 4 times a week changing the program about every month to keep my body in shock

i started before my last cycle at 191 pounds 11%
ended my cycle on 187 pounds 8.5% fat
and during my pct i lost 7 pounds and about .5% fat

this is where im at now(180 pounds and 8% fat ) on my 4th week pct still have 3 week of igf-1 lr3 to go.

thank you so much in advance if you see anything wrong in my program please let me know i have full trust in you and have seen all your youtube vids it helped me allot


hey bro... i hate to tell you but your just wasting time and money running a 4 week cycle.... i dont understand what the point even is the be honest... an 8 week cycle, although i dont recommend that either, would at least give them time to work.. you wouldnt need any pct after 4 weeks... dont expect too much from the 4 weeks though... UNLESS you carry them over into your cycle right after, which would be very ideal... that would be really strong to start them on their own and stagger them into your anabolic cycle...

brother, you have some serious expectations in gaining that amount of size and dropping that kind of body fat... its something that can be done but perhaps you should be a bit more realistic here and go with like 10 lbs. and recomp... you wouldn't even need steroids for that... you really dont at all... especially if you dont want to stay on them... if you continue your hgh with mk677 (DROP THE IGF) then i could definitely see it... i can structure this all for you... with HGH added to the sarms cycle, you could hit the 15lb. mark and still drop the body fat you want to drop... i can set this all up for you... it would be a much better cycle... run the superman stack with hgh and i can definitely see you accomplishing this... here is the layout... run your hgh just as you are for the entire year and stay on mk677 the year with it...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
hey bro... i hate to tell you but your just wasting time and money running a 4 week cycle.... i dont understand what the point even is the be honest... an 8 week cycle, although i dont recommend that either, would at least give them time to work.. you wouldnt need any pct after 4 weeks... dont expect too much from the 4 weeks though... UNLESS you carry them over into your cycle right after, which would be very ideal... that would be really strong to start them on their own and stagger them into your anabolic cycle...

brother, you have some serious expectations in gaining that amount of size and dropping that kind of body fat... its something that can be done but perhaps you should be a bit more realistic here and go with like 10 lbs. and recomp... you wouldn't even need steroids for that... you really dont at all... especially if you dont want to stay on them... if you continue your hgh with mk677 (DROP THE IGF) then i could definitely see it... i can structure this all for you... with HGH added to the sarms cycle, you could hit the 15lb. mark and still drop the body fat you want to drop... i can set this all up for you... it would be a much better cycle... run the superman stack with hgh and i can definitely see you accomplishing this... here is the layout... run your hgh just as you are for the entire year and stay on mk677 the year with it...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

i chose 4 weeks of sarms and chose the ones that increas fat burn because next month i fast from sun set to sun dawn and thought i would take advantage since im already not eating much to focus on burning as much as i can. what do you think?

do sarms increase libido like roids?

I dont know why but i never felt the diffrence from hgh.although i get it from a doctor as i have low test and gh levels and the brand i use is
SAIZEN hGH (somatropin) 8mg./ 24IU Click Easy.
my mom use the same brand from the same doctor and she notice more enegry better sleep and feeling of wellbeing but i never noticed anything.
should i change the brand or stick to it and add superman pack of 12 week?

another question: i take HGH before bedtime on empty stomack but sometimes i eat late, can i inject the next morning ?

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i chose 4 weeks of sarms and chose the ones that increas fat burn because next month i fast from sun set to sun dawn and though i would take advantage since im already not eating much to focus on burning as much as i can. what do you think?

do sarms increase libido like roids?

I dont know why but i never felt the diffrence from hgh.although i get it from a doctor as i have low test and gh levels and the brand i use is
SAIZEN hGH (somatropin) 8mg./ 24IU Click Easy.
my mom use the same brand from the same doctor and she notice more enegry better sleep and feeling of wellbeing but i never noticed anything.
should i change the brand or stick to it and add superman pack of 12 week?

another question: i take HGH before bedtime on empty stomack but sometimes i eat late, can i inject the next morning ?


yes, morning and night are the optimal times of injection... wait are you saying you use 24ius per day???????????????

i would just go with the superman stack, yes... if hgh is doing nothing for you, try 677 and see how that goes... dont keep taking something that is not working for you... that makes no sense to do that... for the superman stack
yes, morning and night are the optimal times of injection... wait are you saying you use 24ius per day???????????????

i would just go with the superman stack, yes... if hgh is doing nothing for you, try 677 and see how that goes... dont keep taking something that is not working for you... that makes no sense to do that... for the superman stack

using the pen i take 3 clicks i think it means 3iu a day /5 days a week.
but as you said i will stop hgh

i will buy the superman 12 stack should i take it alone or with steroids to reach my goal ?
if steroids which do you suggest?

im very sorry for asking so many questions i just want to make it right

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using the pen i take 3 clicks i think it means 3iu a day /5 days a week.
but as you said i will stop hgh

i will buy the superman 12 stack should i take it alone or with steroids to reach my goal ?
if steroids which do you suggest?

im very sorry for asking so many questions i just want to make it right


the superman stack alone is going to yield huge results... there's really no need to add anything to it... i would do this... run the cycle and see... you will get the results i expect but if you feel you need more, then we can implement test and perhaps one other thing but there's probably no need whatsoever so why over do it if its not necessary right? you will get huge results with the superman stack...
the superman stack alone is going to yield huge results... there's really no need to add anything to it... i would do this... run the cycle and see... you will get the results i expect but if you feel you need more, then we can implement test and perhaps one other thing but there's probably no need whatsoever so why over do it if its not necessary right? you will get huge results with the superman stack...

ok i will follow your advice and update you with the results .

im starting my 5th week of pct from a 12 week cycle
when can i start the superman stack?should i wait till my whole pct ends? in your video you mentioned 18 weeks.
if yes what sarms i can bridge during my pct ?
ok i will follow your advice and update you with the results .

im starting my 5th week of pct from a 12 week cycle
when can i start the superman stack?should i wait till my whole pct ends? in your video you mentioned 18 weeks.
if yes what sarms i can bridge during my pct ?

these are the sarms you can run in pct... gw, sr, mk2866 and mk677... start the superman right after you complete pct but you can start these four now if you want...
i will try to change the order that i made already to 8 week stack of gw, sr, mk2866 and mk677
and add 12 week superman stack

thanks you so much
i will try to change the order that i made already to 8 week stack of gw, sr, mk2866 and mk677
and add 12 week superman stack

thanks you so much

im more than happy to help... email customer service... ask for justin and tell him dylangemelli sent you and they will get you taken care of...
i will try to change the order that i made already to 8 week stack of gw, sr, mk2866 and mk677
and add 12 week superman stack

thanks you so much

You cannot beat the superman stack bro. It's phenomenal and you will be getting the very best from what sarms can offer. You get the versatility and benefits of each and every sarm and they compliment each other greatly.

You are in great hands with sarmsx and the superman stack! Enjoy!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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