
True Nutrition


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I just wanted to touch on one of my favorite web sites and protein providers... True Nutrition is my go to website for myself and clients... You have the ability to make your own formula, pick your own flavors and additives including sweeteners if you like... My main protein formula is 1/3 isolate, 1/3 micellar casein and 1/3 concentrate... I get the TRUE flavors which are sweetened with stevia and all natural additives... either birthday cake or double fudge... you can also design your own oatmeal amongst other things... The shipping is very fast... The only negative is they are a bit pricier and rarely offer sales or coupons but you what you pay for... The one code I do have is TRUP for 5% off your order... I highly recommend them...

5 stars from me
Wow thats extremely unique I wasn't aware of such a site with that degree of versatility.. I don't use much protein powder but of course I always have some on hand because sometimes I need some quick protein and life takes me away from my next meal.. I would definitely spend the extra bucks for a quality product where I know what's going into it. Good link !
KingWizard said:
Wow thats extremely unique I wasn't aware of such a site with that degree of versatility.. I don't use much protein powder but of course I always have some on hand because sometimes I need some quick protein and life takes me away from my next meal.. I would definitely spend the extra bucks for a quality product where I know what's going into it. Good link !

Thanks brother... A lot know about it but a lot do not and being able to create your OWN formula is huge... There are endless options and you make it conducive to YOUR wants, goals and needs... I love it when the decisions are put in YOUR hands as opposed to a manufacturer who is generally clueless on proper formulations and only concerned with profit margins as opposed to providing the quality first...
I love the flexibility of this service. I also have used an online protein bar company that allows you to create your own bar with tons of choices. They even will customize the wrapper for no charge. Like the protein powder company it is pricier than the GNC choices. But once I found Quest Bar I stopped using them. Quest Bar Chocolate Chip cookie dough! Are you kidding me? How the hell do they make it taste that awesome and still be good for you with 21g of Whey?
hittheman said:
I love the flexibility of this service. I also have used an online protein bar company that allows you to create your own bar with tons of choices. They even will customize the wrapper for no charge. Like the protein powder company it is pricier than the GNC choices. But once I found Quest Bar I stopped using them. Quest Bar Chocolate Chip cookie dough! Are you kidding me? How the hell do they make it taste that awesome and still be good for you with 21g of Whey?

Im highly interested in the protein bar site, at the very least to see the concept... Can you post that for me bro?

Also, in terms of overall macros, you should take a look at ANSI GOURMET CHEESECAKE bars... All the makeup of quest WITHOUT the sodium... They only have a few flavors but if cookie dough is your choice, then you are in luck as they have it too!
You should post uo that recipe you had for your protein bars Dylan. The ones u made w natural peanut butter?
True Nutrition is awesome! But being in Canada our dollar conversion sucks right now... So its too expensive for me to order now :( I used these guys lots in the passed! Great products for sure. Make sure to use Dylans promo code to get 5% off.
NOSrx said:
True Nutrition is awesome! But being in Canada our dollar conversion sucks right now... So its too expensive for me to order now :( I used these guys lots in the passed! Great products for sure. Make sure to use Dylans promo code to get 5% off.

I know the code isn't much but they just don't have sales there but they really don't have to considering how good they are... It does get pricey so it's not for everyone but if you have the means, they honestly have the best quality...
I'll have to give that one a try. These shitty protein drinks have nothing but a bunch of trash in them.
9th Wonder said:
I'll have to give that one a try. These shitty protein drinks have nothing but a bunch of trash in them.

I completely agree... The beauty here is there is something to accommodate everyone... Isolates, pure egg, vegan, lactose free etc... There is literally an option for everyone... I design ALL my clients proteins here
9th Wonder said:
I'm glad you said it, cause I'm lactose and they got products for days.

That's what I love about it, they literally have something for EVERYONE... Its sweet man! That and you actually get what you are paying for... There are companies like protein factory that you have no clue what your getting when you order from... I despise companies like them.. True nutrition is the complete opposite and actually have some integrity...
DylanGemelli said:
hittheman said:
I love the flexibility of this service. I also have used an online protein bar company that allows you to create your own bar with tons of choices. They even will customize the wrapper for no charge. Like the protein powder company it is pricier than the GNC choices. But once I found Quest Bar I stopped using them. Quest Bar Chocolate Chip cookie dough! Are you kidding me? How the hell do they make it taste that awesome and still be good for you with 21g of Whey?

Im highly interested in the protein bar site, at the very least to see the concept... Can you post that for me bro?

Also, in terms of overall macros, you should take a look at ANSI GOURMET CHEESECAKE bars... All the makeup of quest WITHOUT the sodium... They only have a few flavors but if cookie dough is your choice, then you are in luck as they have it too!

Brother, these ANSI bars are awesome!!! Same price per 12 count as Quest with a fraction of the sodium! I'm all over these! Buh-bye Quest bars...
prestigealaska said:
DylanGemelli said:
hittheman said:
I love the flexibility of this service. I also have used an online protein bar company that allows you to create your own bar with tons of choices. They even will customize the wrapper for no charge. Like the protein powder company it is pricier than the GNC choices. But once I found Quest Bar I stopped using them. Quest Bar Chocolate Chip cookie dough! Are you kidding me? How the hell do they make it taste that awesome and still be good for you with 21g of Whey?

Im highly interested in the protein bar site, at the very least to see the concept... Can you post that for me bro?

Also, in terms of overall macros, you should take a look at ANSI GOURMET CHEESECAKE bars... All the makeup of quest WITHOUT the sodium... They only have a few flavors but if cookie dough is your choice, then you are in luck as they have it too!

Brother, these ANSI bars are awesome!!! Same price per 12 count as Quest with a fraction of the sodium! I'm all over these! Buh-bye Quest bars...

I actually found those a few years ago when I was at the Mr. Olympia... The company is actually really good in general.. These crush quest bars, seriously... i was so turned off when quest got sued over label misrepresentation on content that I completely quit using them on top of the fact they load them with sodium... in a bar that size to have that much sodium screams poor quality... The Ansi cheesecake are excellent and honestly the best I have found...
I have used them for some time now - the cold isolate whey is actually able to be tolerated easily by me and I am lactose intolerant. Yes, many wheys say they are lactose free, but I can say without a doubt they really are not. I cannot eat two spoons worth of a Friendly's Friend-Z without suffering from the lactose in it. Yep, I am that sensitive to it. Many breads have lactose in it as a softener and I get bad gas from them. I get NO adverse effects from the cold isolate whey from True Nutrition.

You DO have to be careful, though. With so many combinations, you can make some really nasty tasting mixes.
cybrsage said:
I have used them for some time now - the cold isolate whey is actually able to be tolerated easily by me and I am lactose intolerant. Yes, many wheys say they are lactose free, but I can say without a doubt they really are not. I cannot eat two spoons worth of a Friendly's Friend-Z without suffering from the lactose in it. Yep, I am that sensitive to it. Many breads have lactose in it as a softener and I get bad gas from them. I get NO adverse effects from the cold isolate whey from True Nutrition.

You DO have to be careful, though. With so many combinations, you can make some really nasty tasting mixes.

VERY GOOD POINT and something that can save people losing money by making something that they cannot tolerate taste wise... A lot of people don't realize that something like pea protein tastes like shit or at least "different." You cannot start mixing these together without knowing the taste first... of course your basic whey, isoate, casein, etc... are just fine on the taste but the more intricate ones, or green ones, etc. have a taste that is far different and you need to be well aware of that before you start mixing and matching...
Have been using this site for years, and advise all my clients to do the same. As a Canadian we do get screwed with poor exchange, shipping, and duty, but its still worth it in the long run. Their ZMA-G is an excellent supplement, also.
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