
TRT vs cycle


New member
so i have been on TRT for a while now i think about 10 months....dr has me at 300mg/week for about 4 months....i had increased it to 600mg with 300mg of test prop....i have been there for 4 weeks but am not getting what i wanted....I was curious if a test, 400-600EQ, and 40-50mg anavar cycle would yield good quality size gains as well as some strength....not looking to do any crazy compounds..but just start with something like this, as my coach and other knowledgeable people have recommended this...i started out with test for a couple of weeks( i mentioned above and its not really what im looking for, and wanting to add some other things in before the cycle is over so ik with EQ it will push the cycle out longer but i want to get something out of the cycle instead of just doing test, because im wanting more out of it then what test alone has given me so far...if that makes sense...i figured you would be a really good person to ask about this topic, so i was thinking doing the EQ for about 14 weeks and the anavar for 6 weeks...thanks a lot man..appreciate everything you do.

what kind of quality size and strength should i be looking for here...i do have a coach and i have been tracking and weighing my food for about 2.5 years now every single meal every single day, an i don't miss workouts...i am very very strict with my diet and training and cardio
there is no doctor that is going to put you on 300 mg per week for trt... thats being full out on cycle... At 300 mg a week, you will be on steroid levels, not trt. I would anticipate many health concerns from this approach if it is long term. Here are a few possibilities...Increased red blood cells, high blood pressure, liver problems, heart lesions, high dht levels. I am sure there are more...but this is all that comes to mind. doctor's do not prescribe that dosage bro, not at all... what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? ive never ran across one so called "coach" that has provided any type of good steroid usage advice to anyone... you are going to find yourself in a major mess with the path your on... no bull shit man
so i have been on TRT for a while now i think about 10 months....dr has me at 300mg/week for about 4 months....

What was your starting dose??? What was you test level at that dose?
What was your serum testosterone level at on 300mg per week???
Something doesn't sound right about this. 300mg/week to get you in the normal range? No way. My doctor has me on 150mg/week and that puts my TEST levels OVER 1200 (48-72hours after pinning) and that's still to high. If my doctor was on his game he would have lowered my dosage, but thankfully he didn't. I just give myself less and end up with a surplus. I said that to say this... If 300mg/week isn't putting you in the normal range then something is wrong. If you increased it further to 600mg/week and your not getting "results", then something is really wrong....most likely diet and/or training. IMO non of this makes sense. I wouldn't recommend adding any more compounds until this mess is sorted out. As Buen asked, "What were your Test levels on 300mg per week?"
I am on 150mg a week and my test levels are 1300.
300mg a week for TRT is BS bro I do not believe it and any DR in their right mind will NOT give you that High of a dose per week they can lose their License.
What was your starting dose??? What was you test level at that dose?
What was your serum testosterone level at on 300mg per week???

Love me some buen... filter removed, rev limiter override engaged, throttle cracked back and keepin the tire down straight down the 8th. All while riding her to the finish line flippin the bird.
I dont quite understand the reasoning behind your trt dose. I have seen one person that's had that before, where they ironically did not respond to test as well as others and it required that much to keep them in upper normal range.

99% of people do more than fine with 100-200mg per week. What was your blood levels?

Also what is your complete stats? If you've been having trouble gaining the problem is probably your diet and training

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
yes dr has me on 300mg my level was above 1500 after 7.5 days....i think when i go back on TRT tho i will drop down to 200mg becasue when i was with my last dr they had me on 200mg/week and my level was 845 or something close to that after 8 days
yes dr has me on 300mg my level was above 1500 after 7.5 days....i think when i go back on TRT tho i will drop down to 200mg becasue when i was with my last dr they had me on 200mg/week and my level was 845 or something close to that after 8 days

300 is defnitely way too high for TRT, and your test levels confirm that. 200mg is a much more sensible dose and where you probably should be

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Wanna makes sure I understand this;

300 mg's a week for TRT, doubled that, waited a whole 4 weeks & decided you're not getting what you wanted

1st question; what did you want? Or what were you expecting?

Regardless of the answer, we don't just go adding more juice....and if any1 has to ask "will <this> yield <this>?" then the answer is no, because that 110% depends on you.

Also not sure what you mean by "Back on TRT"

TRT is not on/off.

Full stats would also help.
Here's how I know this is bull doctor would do blood serum levels after only 7 to 8 days
The results would be meaningless
Testosterone serum levels take 6 to 8 weeks to reach a peak and stabilize
no i was on 300mg for 6 weeks before i got blood drawn, and it was 7.5 days after inejction tht i got it drawn
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