
Triple Stack


New member
Hello everyone,

Well, I have gone back and forth in my mind and reading all about different SARMs, and such.. But I'm "torn" between getting the Triple Stack OR just running LGD-4033 and S4. My goal is to gain strength while bulking, but stay relatively lean.

My stats are: Height 6' 1", Weight 168.3, I am 22 years old and have been working out for over 2 years, but with about 6 months off due to my knee injury mentioned earlier. My macro count would be: a 50/30/20 split (carbs/protein/fats), 3,112 calories a day, 389g carbs a day, 233g of protein a day, and 69g of fat a day, spread across 5 meals a day. My training consists of 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off. It's mostly a strength building routine doing 5x5's on compound lifts, then anywhere from 6-12 reps on other lifts (I.E. dumbbell chest press, dumbbell flyes, dumbbell reverse flyes, front squat, leg extensions, etc.) Any suggestions or constructive criticism is very much appreciated. :D
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The legs I always go super light due to the injury, by the way. And I use compression knee braces, for the sense of extra security.
what i would do is go with the recomp stack which consists of gw, lgd and s4 bro... thats what i would definitely go with based on your goals... here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout... you can get your stack cheaper here

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Alright, thank you Dylan! Much appreciated! :D Also, love the honesty and emphasis on use and safety in your videos! Keep up the good work bro! Also, off-topic, I saw your video about perseverance and I was shocked to hear that you believe. But so very awesome!

God bless brother,
Alright, thank you Dylan! Much appreciated! :D Also, love the honesty and emphasis on use and safety in your videos! Keep up the good work bro! Also, off-topic, I saw your video about perseverance and I was shocked to hear that you believe. But so very awesome!

God bless brother,
absolutely brother... take a closer look at my tattoos sometime... my entire body is covered in nothing but old testament stories and tribute to God... im happy to help... let me know anytime you have questions bro... God Bless You Too!
That's FREAKING AWESOME! I noticed the cross necklace tattoo, but couldn't really see any others lol. And thank you, I will. I am actually talking with BigBusiness about getting my diet more in check than it was, I may switch it to a 40/40/20 just to lower the carbs a bit, and up the protein to stay a bit more lean. Which then my macros would be: 311g of carbs, 311g of protein, and 69g of fat. I'm guessing the 40/40/20 would allow me to stay lean. Given having a metabolism that likes to make me devour anything and everything without consequence!


That is me at my biggest, without the use of anything except proper diet, whey protein, creatine and beta-alanine. Not a very good picture for anything except shoulders and chest, but I was 173 at that point.
Okay, I'll adjust it as needed. The highest I've gone with carbs was 215 (if I'm not mistaken), and I was still losing bodyfat. I do cardio after my workouts 3 times a week, so I try and keep my carbs on the higher end of the spectrum, while having adequate protein and fat intake.
From the look in the picture seems your body does great to higher carbs. Not sure what your diet was then. I personally like to stick with a 50/25/25 which has been working great for me. You can always adjust on the fly and fine tune as you go, you just have to learn what works best for you

PM for any questions
BigB15 for 15% off all orders
Well, would a 45/35/20 be good (protein/carbs/fats). My diet was 2g per lb of body weight on carbs, 1g per lb of body weight on protein, and fat was around 70g. So calorie intake was low, but I was gaining size so it didn't matter to me lol. But I'll also be working out for at least 2 months, before I start the sarm cycle! Cause I want to know what my body can handle again, since I've been out for 6 months D:
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You can always adjust your diet as needed and feel it out as the cycle goes on.

I think lgd, s4, and gw would be perfect for you
That's what I will be doing, thank you for the response though Rick! :D I'll probably start with a 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fats), then if I start to gain some unwanted fat (which I shouldn't given my metabolic rate). I'll adjust it and probably change to a 50/30/20.
That's what I will be doing, thank you for the response though Rick! :D I'll probably start with a 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fats), then if I start to gain some unwanted fat (which I shouldn't given my metabolic rate). I'll adjust it and probably change to a 50/30/20.
Sounds good bro. Keep us updated!
you can eat however you want... i gave you the most effective way to cut fat... you seem to know what you want so go for it... i am a certified nutritionist bro, i think i grasp it but hey, everyone does as they will and responds differently so you go with whatever you think is best... i have designed THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of diet plans over the past 10 years with extremely high efficiency rates but like i said, you do it how you want to do it...
Don't think I'm not appreciating your advice Dylan, I really am very grateful for all of your guys' advice! Especially about the steroid use I was thinking of doing. In fact, you guys saved my body from being ruined! And for that I am very VERY grateful! But, I'll start out with your Diet Dylan, see how that goes. Then IF I need it adjusted, I'll switch it up and see what works. Considering I work on my feet all day 5 days a week, lift weights 5 days a week AND do cardio 3 times a week; along with a metabolism like a gosh damn Olympian Runner LOL. I should have no problem with it.

But as you guys and I have stated, I will adjust as needed :D
Once I do get back in, I won't start the cycle right away.. I want to gain muscle back, and get my diet and workout routine in check. So it'll probably be 2 months before I start a log for it! :D
you have a really good mentality... the more muscle you build, the more fat you are going to burn... protein intake needs to be on the higher side to do this... trust me... you can do it however you want bro, i know your appreciative... im just trying to give you a very successful method i have used many years... So you go with what you feel is best suited for you... diet is ALL trial and error for everyone and honestly, it is your entire life because goals change, you age and things could slow or you could increase metabolism as well... etc.. its ever changing and the key to success is to understand and adapt to that concept
First of I want to say thank you, that means a lot! :D Secondly: Yeah, the 1g of protein per lb of body weight (not lean mass), kept me to keep growing and growing. I would always go above my weight, to gain muscle (of course) and keep fat to a minimum. The most lean I have ever gotten was 8% while still getting albeit very small gains, but I was growing. That was when I first started working out seriously (age 19), and I wasn't even doing cardio lol. But like you said, it's a bunch of trial and error, and seeing what is best for you .
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