
Tren E / Test E year round


New member
Hey guys

I'm thinking about using Test and Tren year round since I blast and cruise but I want to keep the look from Tren

So a Blast would be

800mg Tren E / 400mg Test E

And criuse

200mg Tren E 200mg Test E or just 400mg Test

could I run Tren year round like this?
LCFN said:
Hey guys

I'm thinking about using Test and Tren year round since I blast and cruise but I want to keep the look from Tren

So a Blast would be

800mg Tren E / 400mg Test E

And criuse

200mg Tren E 200mg Test E or just 400mg Test

could I run Tren year round like this?

Cruising on test and tren has some validity, and there is some info about it in our cruising thread on here. However, the doses you,want to cruise at are a little high which could lead to long term health consequence. Something like 150 Test and 150 Tren is as high as I would go to cruise
I think it's a bad idea. I ran tren for almost 2 years straight. Would run it way up for as long as I could stand it. Then drop it down to around 350 for a while. I finally just come off completely for a while. I feel a lot better coming off for a while. You can forget what normal is. Blast cruise blast then get off and regroup.
You're running it too high.

I've cruised the two for over a year at 150 each and check out healthy.

I blast once a year for 6 weeks by raising teen to 600-700 and keeping test the same.
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