
Training Frequency


New member
Hi Dylan,

I purchased some LGD 4033 and GW from SARMX to experiment and to see what SARMS could do for me. They worked great!!!

As a result I have decided to go ahead and purchase the SARMS that you had recommended to me to bulk. In the stack is LGD, RAD-140, MK-677 and GW. As I am an amateur MMA fighter and looking to put on some significant weight I was wondering what you think is the frequency at which I could weight train? I will be training MMA 3-4 times a week during the bulking cycle.

Will this SARM cycle effectively work like anabolic steroids do in that it allows you to train every day?
Hi Dylan,

I purchased some LGD 4033 and GW from SARMX to experiment and to see what SARMS could do for me. They worked great!!!

As a result I have decided to go ahead and purchase the SARMS that you had recommended to me to bulk. In the stack is LGD, RAD-140, MK-677 and GW. As I am an amateur MMA fighter and looking to put on some significant weight I was wondering what you think is the frequency at which I could weight train? I will be training MMA 3-4 times a week during the bulking cycle.

Will this SARM cycle effectively work like anabolic steroids do in that it allows you to train every day?
bro, YOU allow you to train as frequent as you want... steroids and sarms/ ped's just enhance that... you SHOULD NOT train everyday whatsoever... that will end up setting you backwards... if you want to put on significant weight, train in the hypertrophy zone of training... 8-10 reps, 4 sets, 85% of your max for each exercise... i would train each body part twice a week... its IMPERATIVE you have the right quality sarms, ESPECIALLY mk677 which is faked everywhere... has the highest quality you can find... remember that you need to run mk677 for a year continuously without cycling
Hi Dylan,

I purchased some LGD 4033 and GW from SARMX to experiment and to see what SARMS could do for me. They worked great!!!

As a result I have decided to go ahead and purchase the SARMS that you had recommended to me to bulk. In the stack is LGD, RAD-140, MK-677 and GW. As I am an amateur MMA fighter and looking to put on some significant weight I was wondering what you think is the frequency at which I could weight train? I will be training MMA 3-4 times a week during the bulking cycle.

Will this SARM cycle effectively work like anabolic steroids do in that it allows you to train every day?

You can train to a higher level, volume and frequency but you must always make the time for adequate recovery. So keep that in mind. If you are looking to add size that is done in the kitchen

Your sarms cycle should look like this, and make sure you get it all from

I would highly recommend running the mk677 long term beyond the cycle through pct and longer. It is best at 6 months mimumum but ideally about a year

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 MK677 25mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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