
tired of your leg routine?


Active member
Tired of your leg routine? Tired of walking to the parking lot with jello legs? I tried an experiment this year with my leg workout....and now 8 months later the results were so great it will be permanently added to my general work out practice.
Let me start by stating this fact: your legs recover faster than any other muscle in your body!
so this is what I did. I decided to eliminate leg day altogether . I work out like normal through the week but at the end of my workout I work (one) leg muscle. Ex: monday I hit calves, Tuesday a different muscle ect. So basically my legs get hit 5 days a week. I do one exercise for 4-5 set's and done.
I could not be more pleased with results and I never have to worry about a gruelling leg day. My calves responded so well theyre quickly becoming my flag ship muscle. I cant gauruntee this will work for everyone but it surprised me it worked as well as it did. Never hurts to try it if this sounds appealing to u, it feels like your not even working out legs yet the mirror is like BAM!
So basically with quads, calves, and hamstrings into your rotation, you'll hit these groups twice per week if you train 6 days per week, or almost twice if you workout 5 days a week. This is very similar to how I train, except legs are all done in the same day. Let me explain...I only workout Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I do a two way split, basically doing all upper body except biceps on one day, and all lower body with biceps on the other day. So whatever gets worked Monday gets worked again on Friday, so one week may have two upper body days and the next week would be two lower. This gives me basically hitting everything every 4-5 days. I can get away with that by doing lower volume. Each body part is a couple warmup sets then one rest paused set to failure and done...

Your setup is basically doing low volume and higher frequency which is along the same lines. That's how my entire training is structured and it is INCREDIBLE for both growth and strength, as long as progressive overload is implemented by going up in either reps or weight every time an exercise is done.

Thanks for sharing!
RickRock said:
So basically with quads, calves, and hamstrings into your rotation, you'll hit these groups twice per week if you train 6 days per week, or almost twice if you workout 5 days a week. This is very similar to how I train, except legs are all done in the same day. Let me explain...I only workout Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I do a two way split, basically doing all upper body except biceps on one day, and all lower body with biceps on the other day. So whatever gets worked Monday gets worked again on Friday, so one week may have two upper body days and the next week would be two lower. This gives me basically hitting everything every 4-5 days. I can get away with that by doing lower volume. Each body part is a couple warmup sets then one rest paused set to failure and done...

Your setup is basically doing low volume and higher frequency which is along the same lines. That's how my entire training is structured and it is INCREDIBLE for both growth and strength, as long as progressive overload is implemented by going up in either reps or weight every time an exercise is done.

Thanks for sharing!

Yep. I love it. It works great for me
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