
Time off in between Lgd & s-4 stacks

Hey guys, I like to forecast my cycles way out. I'm already looking into 2018. I want to dedicate that year to be sarms only. I've been doing a combo of aas n sarms but just want to try something different. I'm going to do a lgd-4033/ S-4 stack for 12 weeks. I have 3 quick questions. Do I start pct on week 13? How much time off between sarm cycles. And can I add Gw501516 during my time off, and if so, how many weeks. Thanks. Stats, 36 yrs. 6ft. 205lbs. bf 13%
PCT for Suppressive Sarms cycle is 4 weeks, then 3 weeks off, then you can SArms cycle again.

GW can be run anytime up to 16 weeks, then 3 weeks off.

PCT begins on week 13.

I would suggest both Nolva and clomid for PCT
Hey guys, I like to forecast my cycles way out. I'm already looking into 2018. I want to dedicate that year to be sarms only. I've been doing a combo of aas n sarms but just want to try something different. I'm going to do a lgd-4033/ S-4 stack for 12 weeks. I have 3 quick questions. Do I start pct on week 13? How much time off between sarm cycles. And can I add Gw501516 during my time off, and if so, how many weeks. Thanks. Stats, 36 yrs. 6ft. 205lbs. bf 13%
Bro, first of all its pointless to think of cycles any farther ahead than your next one. Trust me on that, you'll probably change your mind a thousand times.

For your question, pct starts the day after your last dose of sarms. The pct looks like this from

Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

After your pct, take 2-3 weeks off and you can start another sarms stack

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks rick rock for the info. Your right I'll probably change my mind a few times. I just like to have a rough draft layout only because so i can have an idea of money I'll be needing to save and spend. I forecast my future cycles but just concentrate on the current one and adjust as time goes by
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