The Luteinizing hormone and HCG: Distinguishing the unique physiologic roles
Write up By Vision

HCG - (Eurigil) - 5000 iu/amp PG
Condition: New product
Chemical Name:Chorionic gonadotropin
Comes In: 1ml amp - 5000IU + 1amp (2ml) - water solution
Dosage: debatable
Active time: 64 hours
Class:Leutenizing Hormone (LH)-Gonadotropin
If you're reading this chances are you're researching PED's along with there abilities and the enhancement effects for recovery,
so I'm going to speculate that you may already have heard of HCG by now - (human chorionic gonadotropin)
Let's discuss what it is, and it's potentials with recovery and raising testosterone?
The most basic and common literature available with HCG human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) & Luteinizing hormone (LH) are that they both are integral components of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, thus this untimely controls the capability of an organism to reproduce and functionality HCG is what synthetic testosterone is to natural testosterone only mimics luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland also most regularly referred to as “LH” is the hormone that signals the testes to produce testosterone.
So why is HCG mot commonly used during a PCT or even during a cycle?
Some major factors rest on the properties that that it may hinder and ultimately minimize the amount of testicular shrinkage during AAS intake or after..
There's a complex interplay in which HCG sends a signal to gonads to try and achieve optimal LH output or signaling at least!
However if and when in the event that you decide to discontinuation the treatment/usage of testosterone "the exogenous hormone" you posses what is known as secondary hypogonadism and/or "PRIMARY" hypogonadism.
What is this Primary hypogonadism to be exact?
This is a last ditch effort or a cascade of events with metabolites, most importantly this will take place when the pituitary gland or hypothalamus when there's a signals/seizes manufacturing of testosterone or decreasing in a great amount, in fact in almost all cases 75-100% hindrance!
Therefore to implement the use of HCG in such instances is pivotal intended to help achieve LH levels to possible restore or function back to a healthy and stable producing enlivenment on you're own, of course with the assistance, and sometimes multiple applications is necessary, but blood work will indicate if that is important..
Right about now your most likely asking yourself exactly "How effective is HCG and is it for me"?
This has been a cloaked topic over the years with regurgitated bro-science vs real actual clinical findings, and over the years specialists have emphasize the truth of an assertion or importance, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted by others to be misleading, supporting real actual therapeutic advantages, while others claim it to not be necessary (in some instances that holds some truth, but this is not a one size firs all way of life).. Doses and protocols will vary from one to the next, the kinetic profile under clinical investigation/studies shown administration with certain dosages may yield different toxicological profiles for the same users, some reaching supraphysiological serum testosterone levels and some reaching within the gold standard text book parameters, but this will vary with administered route
Some fast take home notes: Whether IM or sub-Q and individual-sensitivities, age, genetics and metabolites that are presence and the cascade of events that transpire with signaling, activation and deactivation of transcelluar groups will all yield different results, keep in mind that all HORMONES are "chemical messengers" that relay messages to cells that display specific receptors for each hormone and respond to the signaling..individual metabolization ratio with the hormone can/may make changes directly to a cell, by changing the genes that are activated, or by making changes indirectly to a cell by stimulating other signaling pathways inside a specific cell group that is effected and effect other processes, thus this can "initiate" an intracellular cascade of events.

How do I know what dosages is for me?
First and foremost, one must ask themselves or through prior AAS experiences knowing if they possess a greater affinity with the aromatase enzyme, in which this converts the estrogen ratio into circulation, as HCG can induce elevated estrogen..Starting at 250ius x 2 a week is MORE than sufficient in most cases and can/will avoid destination with greater response, and less chances of a shift in estrogen..Bare in mind that HCG is just as detrimental as AAS with elivating estrogen levels,and it can activate the ER/PR receptors inducing glandular duct agitation and activation causing gynocomastia thus it's pivotal and highly suggested to utilize AI's (aromatsa inhibators) to suppress the conversion ratio while providing the effects with desired added advantage to continue his treatment to stimulate LH and Testosterone production without the interference or fear of activating ER's or experiences estrogen side effects..Using a serm such as Tamoxifen is ideal and a great lock and key method type binding agent for the ER's as a agonists and antagonists..
Baseline bloods, pre-prior and post is a great indicator to keep personal notes on where you were, where you went and where you may be heading and if you in fact fully recovered!
Added bonus: For those that may experience a sudden loss in libido during cycle or blast - HCG can temporarily increase almost anyone's libido. However, after your body gets adjusts to HCG or you decrease or cease your dosage, the glands that produce testosterone are no longer stimulated, therefore utilizing it for this particular reason should be done with intervals, blast and repeat when need..Low dose 250ius can achieve almost dramatic effects for anyone, and some report libido stimulation last or staying recovered for long durations.
Mixing Euro-Peptides HCG with this instructions you will have the best directions on how to reconstitute HCG.
Add 2ml of bac water to a 5000 (lyophilized powder) unit vial of HCG..Keep in mind if you use a slin pin the 10 mark on a slin pin will give you 250 ius
In order to assure greater quality and product efficiency, EP would like to point out some crucial principals in regards with reconstituting Euro-Pharmacies/Peptides HCH and other "lyophilized powders"
If by chance you are reading this you might already have interests in Euro-Pharmacies "Euro-Peptides HCG", or your seeking information with how to reconstitute EP's HCG and you are about to begin the process..Stop!
Please read here as EP would like to assure greater quality with its products,so you can achieve greater success and reap your just rewards though the positive benefits of Euro-Peptides HCG ,by utilizing the preferred method suggested
Whether your a seasoned Vet or just doing research, it's crucial that you know about HCG and the several typed of water utilized for reconstitution of the hormone..
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