
The most import question you can ask yourself.


Active member
So you wanna lift some weights and get j-j-j-j-j-jacked huh? So is this a casual type commitment? A lil' FWB? (Fucking with the barbells) Or a little NSA (No size achieved)? I dunno about you, but I'm a commitment kinda guy. I wanna move in (the gym), share splitting bills (for gear) and I don't mind clingy (means you've put in some work and sweated your ass off). Commitment is sexy. Long term commitment makes me horny af (for the gainz). So are you are one night stander (get sore and never come back)?
So ask yourself this before you walk in the Temple of The Iron Church... are you willing to be what you need to be to be considered a serious lifter? Or are you just the guy with the cute padded gloves, color coordinated outfit, matching socks and headband walking around with a weight belt on and not doing deads, or squats? Ask yourself how committed you are and will be. You gonna be that dude in my gym that I've seen 7 years straight that has zero to show for it? Or that guy doing all the trendy exercises that yield ZERO fucking gains? Better yet... the fucker saying you never want to be that big simply because you know it'll take a long time and what you're doing is not gonna get you there. I love you fucktarded mother fuckers... you feed me. Feed me Seymore. Feed me... feed me the weak minded, feed me the timid, feed me your small and weak (just the ones content to stay that way).

So ask yourself this: What kind of fucking lifter are you?
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