
The 40 yr old re invented


New member
Well I've joined this forum in order to seek clarification, understanding and opinion on what I'm aiming to embark on. I say aiming because its not easy for me to actually obtain legitimate products and yes I have bought online before only to discover it was fake. :?

My story

40 years young Male,
Non smoker
Low alcohol intake
Sedentary job
Low T diagnosed March 2015
GP not interested in trt (UK) (260 was my reading)
Strength and conditioning three times per week plus other cardio
Suffer from tiredness, mood swings and stubborn fat loss but have ok muscular parts of my body. Libido hit or miss too.

My goal - self administer, get GP to do bloods from time to time. I have already had my creative, prostrate cancer and diabetes checked and all clear. Blood pressure healthy range although I'm 220 pounds and still have 25% body fat.

Will a long term cycle improve everything? I want to be able to do more but not necacerally become bigger if that makes scenes to you. I'm hoping that with a bit more testorsteone I will have greater energy and recovery therefore do more to help shift some poundage whilst making my fluffy muscles become a bit more dense and manly. I have children and want them to be proud of me as their father figure. I'm not a couch potato as my activity is high but my recovery from these sessions do take a long time.

I'm hitting 7/8 hrs sleep, supliment with fish oil, multi vit, zma, whey protein and super greens. Eat whole foods and clean foods 90% of the week.

My steroid thoughts are

Test cycp 350ml per week
Additional supplements as required
20 week cycle then PCT

Help and thoughts very welcome
Welcome to the family . A. Cycle at 25% body fat could and probably will do more harm then good. You should look into pure essence sarms stack. I'll be 40 this year and am currently one month into a super stack and have gained strength, built muscle and am losing body fat and recovery is amazing.
VRS185 said:
Well I've joined this forum in order to seek clarification, understanding and opinion on what I'm aiming to embark on. I say aiming because its not easy for me to actually obtain legitimate products and yes I have bought online before only to discover it was fake. :?

My story

40 years young Male,
Non smoker
Low alcohol intake
Sedentary job
Low T diagnosed March 2015
GP not interested in trt (UK) (260 was my reading)
Strength and conditioning three times per week plus other cardio
Suffer from tiredness, mood swings and stubborn fat loss but have ok muscular parts of my body. Libido hit or miss too.

My goal - self administer, get GP to do bloods from time to time. I have already had my creative, prostrate cancer and diabetes checked and all clear. Blood pressure healthy range although I'm 220 pounds and still have 25% body fat.

Will a long term cycle improve everything? I want to be able to do more but not necacerally become bigger if that makes scenes to you. I'm hoping that with a bit more testorsteone I will have greater energy and recovery therefore do more to help shift some poundage whilst making my fluffy muscles become a bit more dense and manly. I have children and want them to be proud of me as their father figure. I'm not a couch potato as my activity is high but my recovery from these sessions do take a long time.

I'm hitting 7/8 hrs sleep, supliment with fish oil, multi vit, zma, whey protein and super greens. Eat whole foods and clean foods 90% of the week.

My steroid thoughts are

Test cycp 350ml per week
Additional supplements as required
20 week cycle then PCT

Help and thoughts very welcome

I would suggest 200 mg of test cyp as a permanent trt regiment. No cycle no pct..your test is really low. Yea your body fat is a lil high however sarms or nothing else will replace your natural test levels..youll have to replace that yourself. Start at common dose of 200 and get bloodshot a few weeks later and adjust if need be. For the record im no doctor. And its your decision. This is just my recommendation on what id do if it were me
Your natural levels are probably very low because of your sedentary lifestyle, diet, and high bodyfat. I would not advise a cycle or even TRT right now, when just some changes to your lifestyle would probably make a big difference to your levels and how you feel.
^^^ have the symptoms of low T, but the low T can be from the reasons Rick mentioned.

Cycle is OUT....and only go on TRT if that is the last resort. With TRT one you go on in 98% of men there's no going back.
RickRock said:
Your natural levels are probably very low because of your sedentary lifestyle, diet, and high bodyfat. I would not advise a cycle or even TRT right now, when just some changes to your lifestyle would probably make a big difference to your levels and how you feel.

Thanks for feedback people - sorry not sure on how to operate this forum stuff so bear with me. I am training regular and have always had physical activity on a regular basis from kick boxing to rugby to strength training that I now do (since mid 2014) my recovery is crap and energy levels good until mid afternoon. It's my day time job that is sedentary and having twin boys I want to be more capable with them than I can be now as come weekends I'm pooped.

I have struggled to shift belly fat for about 4 years. As mentioned bloods were done by GP already but he said my test was low but acceptable.

Maybe strength training isn't the answer and a more BB approach should be taken on board? Diet tracked on my fitness pal tracked 2250 calories 220 protein 200 carbs 100 fats all nuts and fish/ chicken / rice/ oats and I supliment with vitamin D and zinc. Can't shift belly fat though and gains seem to take for ever but I can deadlift like a beast (in my mind). I limit caffeine to mornings only and dropped dairy from my diet back in March.

So perseverance ??
VRS185 said:
RickRock said:
Your natural levels are probably very low because of your sedentary lifestyle, diet, and high bodyfat. I would not advise a cycle or even TRT right now, when just some changes to your lifestyle would probably make a big difference to your levels and how you feel.

Thanks for feedback people - sorry not sure on how to operate this forum stuff so bear with me. I am training regular and have always had physical activity on a regular basis from kick boxing to rugby to strength training that I now do (since mid 2014) my recovery is crap and energy levels good until mid afternoon. It's my day time job that is sedentary and having twin boys I want to be more capable with them than I can be now as come weekends I'm pooped.

I have struggled to shift belly fat for about 4 years. As mentioned bloods were done by GP already but he said my test was low but acceptable.

Maybe strength training isn't the answer and a more BB approach should be taken on board? Diet tracked on my fitness pal tracked 2250 calories 220 protein 200 carbs 100 fats all nuts and fish/ chicken / rice/ oats and I supliment with vitamin D and zinc. Can't shift belly fat though and gains seem to take for ever but I can deadlift like a beast (in my mind). I limit caffeine to mornings only and dropped dairy from my diet back in March.

So perseverance ??

there are a lot of contributing factors but low test levels make it very hard to lose weight... i can tell you that running a full blown cycle is NOT the answer whatsoever... that will leave you worse off than you already are... my recommendation is to get yourself on trt at 150-200 mg week... continue this and get your test levels where they need while really dialing in your diet and training... you can add enhancement to your trt regiment by adding sarms to the mix... you can run them 12 weeks at a time during trt to help you really get int the proper condition... after two sarms runs and the right test levels, you should be in the right condition to start furthering your options in terms of cycling... read my articles on sarms at

here is the layout i would go with

1-12 test cyp 200 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 proviron 50 mg day
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
so a thought...

- if RickRock is right and the low T is caused by the belly fat
- and Dylan is right that the low T makes it hard to lose the belly fat
- and EZ_E is right that you won't be able to turn back after jumping on the TRT bandwagon
- and you are being active and aggressive in your fitness routine

then maybe one thing to try first would be to raise your natural T levels with clomid or nolva ? might be enough to break into the loop and start losing the fat without having to resort to TRT, and after the fat is gone your T levels may raise naturally. any of the more experienced users here have thoughts on that?
stareatroy said:
so a thought...

- if RickRock is right and the low T is caused by the belly fat
- and Dylan is right that the low T makes it hard to lose the belly fat
- and EZ_E is right that you won't be able to turn back after jumping on the TRT bandwagon
- and you are being active and aggressive in your fitness routine

then maybe one thing to try first would be to raise your natural T levels with clomid or nolva ? might be enough to break into the loop and start losing the fat without having to resort to TRT, and after the fat is gone your T levels may raise naturally. any of the more experienced users here have thoughts on that?

That is definitely a viable option, and actually a regular method prescribed by doctors with great success before resorting to TRT. First and foremost however, would be a lifestyle change, with getting the diet right and working on dropping that bodyfat down,
I am not disagreeing with what has been already said. But trt has benefits besides fat loss. It can change how you conduct your self. It will cause you to start thinking like a man again. You will no longer lay in bed thinking about little trivial stuff that doesn't amount to any thing, when your numbers are up around 800 instead of in the 200s. Women start to respect you again because you actually act like the man you are. Plus you can loose fat and gain muscle much easier. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for a lot of guys with low T.
Blackhat said:
I am not disagreeing with what has been already said. But trt has benefits besides fat loss. It can change how you conduct your self. It will cause you to start thinking like a man again. You will no longer lay in bed thinking about little trivial stuff that doesn't amount to any thing, when your numbers are up around 800 instead of in the 200s. Women start to respect you again because you actually act like the man you are. Plus you can loose fat and gain muscle much easier. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for a lot of guys with low T.

Thanks for all the opinions guys, I'd say that training is good bits the recovery. My weights have gone up from 90kg pb to 145kg pb squats, 120kg to 205 tr on deadlift and bench 90kg for 12. Bent rows around 70kg 3x8

I added zinc and vit d when diagnosed with low t hoping it would boost naturally. Diets I'm always opens to suggestions and a local bodybuilding gym may be where I get some answers and a different training routing as current training based on 5/3/2 strength pyramid stuff with conditioning near end of each class.

Yes I believe if I had more normal t then I'd achieve more and look in the mirror with a positive attitude instead of a lesser or negative attitude due to tiredness and fatigue. I was almost 247 when in my 20's when it came to training and activity on a social level.
I cardio on the mountain bike once or twice per week with some downhill on a monthly basis so as active as a full time employee father of two can be
DylanGemelli said:
VRS185 said:
RickRock said:
Your natural levels are probably very low because of your sedentary lifestyle, diet, and high bodyfat. I would not advise a cycle or even TRT right now, when just some changes to your lifestyle would probably make a big difference to your levels and how you feel.

Thanks for feedback people - sorry not sure on how to operate this forum stuff so bear with me. I am training regular and have always had physical activity on a regular basis from kick boxing to rugby to strength training that I now do (since mid 2014) my recovery is crap and energy levels good until mid afternoon. It's my day time job that is sedentary and having twin boys I want to be more capable with them than I can be now as come weekends I'm pooped.

I have struggled to shift belly fat for about 4 years. As mentioned bloods were done by GP already but he said my test was low but acceptable.

Maybe strength training isn't the answer and a more BB approach should be taken on board? Diet tracked on my fitness pal tracked 2250 calories 220 protein 200 carbs 100 fats all nuts and fish/ chicken / rice/ oats and I supliment with vitamin D and zinc. Can't shift belly fat though and gains seem to take for ever but I can deadlift like a beast (in my mind). I limit caffeine to mornings only and dropped dairy from my diet back in March.

So perseverance ??

there are a lot of contributing factors but low test levels make it very hard to lose weight... i can tell you that running a full blown cycle is NOT the answer whatsoever... that will leave you worse off than you already are... my recommendation is to get yourself on trt at 150-200 mg week... continue this and get your test levels where they need while really dialing in your diet and training... you can add enhancement to your trt regiment by adding sarms to the mix... you can run them 12 weeks at a time during trt to help you really get int the proper condition... after two sarms runs and the right test levels, you should be in the right condition to start furthering your options in terms of cycling... read my articles on sarms at

here is the layout i would go with

1-12 test cyp 200 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 proviron 50 mg day
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

Thank you For this. I will look into each part. Sourcing from the UK is a must though. Looks anti estero strong. I'm not sure if I'd be suseprible to gyno but if I do start a cycle like this I sure as hell don't want it.
Blackhat said:
I am not disagreeing with what has been already said. But trt has benefits besides fat loss. It can change how you conduct your self. It will cause you to start thinking like a man again. You will no longer lay in bed thinking about little trivial stuff that doesn't amount to any thing, when your numbers are up around 800 instead of in the 200s. Women start to respect you again because you actually act like the man you are. Plus you can loose fat and gain muscle much easier. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for a lot of guys with low T.

this is very true and i completely agree as well... these are all points that should be given... the main focus was on the belly fat because it seemed to be the main issue at hand but none of these should be overlooked either... nice post
VRS185 said:
DylanGemelli said:
VRS185 said:
RickRock said:
Your natural levels are probably very low because of your sedentary lifestyle, diet, and high bodyfat. I would not advise a cycle or even TRT right now, when just some changes to your lifestyle would probably make a big difference to your levels and how you feel.

Thanks for feedback people - sorry not sure on how to operate this forum stuff so bear with me. I am training regular and have always had physical activity on a regular basis from kick boxing to rugby to strength training that I now do (since mid 2014) my recovery is crap and energy levels good until mid afternoon. It's my day time job that is sedentary and having twin boys I want to be more capable with them than I can be now as come weekends I'm pooped.

I have struggled to shift belly fat for about 4 years. As mentioned bloods were done by GP already but he said my test was low but acceptable.

Maybe strength training isn't the answer and a more BB approach should be taken on board? Diet tracked on my fitness pal tracked 2250 calories 220 protein 200 carbs 100 fats all nuts and fish/ chicken / rice/ oats and I supliment with vitamin D and zinc. Can't shift belly fat though and gains seem to take for ever but I can deadlift like a beast (in my mind). I limit caffeine to mornings only and dropped dairy from my diet back in March.

So perseverance ??

there are a lot of contributing factors but low test levels make it very hard to lose weight... i can tell you that running a full blown cycle is NOT the answer whatsoever... that will leave you worse off than you already are... my recommendation is to get yourself on trt at 150-200 mg week... continue this and get your test levels where they need while really dialing in your diet and training... you can add enhancement to your trt regiment by adding sarms to the mix... you can run them 12 weeks at a time during trt to help you really get int the proper condition... after two sarms runs and the right test levels, you should be in the right condition to start furthering your options in terms of cycling... read my articles on sarms at

here is the layout i would go with

1-12 test cyp 200 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 proviron 50 mg day
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

Thank you For this. I will look into each part. Sourcing from the UK is a must though. Looks anti estero strong. I'm not sure if I'd be suseprible to gyno but if I do start a cycle like this I sure as hell don't want it.

a lot of this does not need to be purchased in the uk, at least the sarms... they are shipped there daily with no issue whatsoever...
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