
Thanks for scam messages


New member
Hi everyone, first post, my room mate has been using sarms1, and today he told me to try it, but i read up and found this site, and told him about the scam... I have used umm uniquechecmicals about 2 years ago and saw good results, are they still doing good buisness? i have also read up that a lot of you recommend pure essence, so i will check that out..

I have used 2866 and S4, had good results not to bad sid eeffects except right after taking it sometimes my eye site did wierd things for about an hour...

looking at the pure essence bulk stack now.. thanks for any feed back on this
Pure essence will straighten you out brother. Sarms1 one is garbage.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Pure essence is a good place.It almost half the price of sarm1.
Hi everyone, first post, my room mate has been using sarms1, and today he told me to try it, but i read up and found this site, and told him about the scam... I have used umm uniquechecmicals about 2 years ago and saw good results, are they still doing good buisness? i have also read up that a lot of you recommend pure essence, so i will check that out..

I have used 2866 and S4, had good results not to bad sid eeffects except right after taking it sometimes my eye site did wierd things for about an hour...

looking at the pure essence bulk stack now.. thanks for any feed back on this

I'm glad you found this site brother. We are glad to have you with us. There are a lot of shady sarms companies out there, and sarms1 is definitely that way now. They were not at one time, and had a decent product, but those days are long gone. The same can be said with uniquemicals. They started having product quality problems, under dosing, and even a vast number of customers breaking out from a nasty reaction to something in their carrier.

Pure essence has been nothing but excellent, and all the feedback has been amazing. They are a site sponsor here and who I recommend 100%. I've had great success with their products and I'm sure you will too.

They are also running a huge sale this month. If you need help setting up a sarms cycle or have any questions about the sale just let me know.

Check them out at
^I can only comment on pure essence sarms which i have used and they served me very well. As for sarms 1 and unique chemicals, i have never used any of their compounds.
I'm running Pure Essence right now and the stuff is treating me right. Definitely doing what it's supposed to do.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Hi everyone, first post, my room mate has been using sarms1, and today he told me to try it, but i read up and found this site, and told him about the scam... I have used umm uniquechecmicals about 2 years ago and saw good results, are they still doing good buisness? i have also read up that a lot of you recommend pure essence, so i will check that out..

I have used 2866 and S4, had good results not to bad sid eeffects except right after taking it sometimes my eye site did wierd things for about an hour...

looking at the pure essence bulk stack now.. thanks for any feed back on this

Pure essence is the best you will ever find... no need to even say anything about sarms1... all the REAL reviews say it all... you can easily see the fabricated ones but unfortunately, the erase all the bad ones but its nothing but negative anywhere else you look... unique was once good about 3 years back but they began selling a very disturbing product... it was causing rashes, strange sides not associated with sarms and a constant bottle leakage issue... they are nothing you should go near bro...
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