

Bigjon187 said:
Iam starting a cycle of 500mg test a week at what point should I start an ai

I would be using it from day 1... aromasin 12.5 mg eod

what does your entire cycle look like??? are you using anything else? how many cycles have you ran in the past? are you gyno prone?
Always start Aromasin from day one of the cycle at 12.5mg EOD. What is your stats and experience buddy? Is this your first cycle?
I just pined testoprim d in my glute feels like my ass is going to fall off how long will it last and is super test 400 from nova less painful
Has any one tried super test 400 from nova labs and what is a good brand estrogen blocker from Mexican pharmacy s
I've heard of Noble Labs but not Nova

I would also recommend Aromasin for an AI and use one of the board's sources...
Bro, you need to answer the question about stats and expereince before we can properly advise you
Bigjon you gotta give us way more information if we're going to help you;

Cycle means not only the doses but the length that you're running everything, OCT and PCT.

It sounds like you jumped into the pool without looking if it was filled.
are you using the proper ancillaries on cycle? do you have caber with deca? have you ran deca before? you should be running deca a bit higher than test... do you have aromasin as well? if you don't have these supports then i hope you understand you are going to severely hurt yourself and going to cause long term issues... that's just the start... im pretty concerned in general because it does not sound like you know what your doing here
Re: RE: Re: Testosterone

Bigjon187 said:
I have arimidex in one mg pill how is that vs aromisen
Aromasin is far superior. You going to tell us your stats and experience buddy? This is something we have to know
Thanks Dylan Iam going to drop the deca and just go with the test... Iam 40 5,10 170 about 10% body fat Iam just wanting to put size on I've tried everything natural I get stronger but no size I know a lot is diet and my diet is not dirty.. This is my first cycle so yes Iam going to drop the deca I do have arimidex o going to run test 400 wich is test c 200 and test e 200 in one mill together at 2 pins a week at just over one ml so I get the 500 mill a week I will have nova on hand for pct thanks guys
Bigjon187 said:
Thanks Dylan Iam going to drop the deca and just go with the test... Iam 40 5,10 170 about 10% body fat Iam just wanting to put size on I've tried everything natural I get stronger but no size I know a lot is diet and my diet is not dirty.. This is my first cycle so yes Iam going to drop the deca I do have arimidex o going to run test 400 wich is test c 200 and test e 200 in one mill together at 2 pins a week at just over one ml so I get the 500 mill a week I will have nova on hand for pct thanks guys

let me fix this entire layout for you so you get the most out of it with the least amount of side effect occurrence possibility...

1-12 test cyp 500 mg week
1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 Ostarine 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
11-14 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 15-18

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day
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