Hey Guys,
Starting a new cycle this week.
My third one. I am 22 years old.
For the next 14 weeks
Anadrol 25mg ED first month
Test E 250mg total week
EQ 400mg total week
Tbol last month
Any thoughts for on cycle support and PCT?
Also where can I get a good source of Tudca?
Thanks guys.
I'm 6'1
190 pounds
12% body fat
Have run Test and Anavar cycle, Sarms cycle, and MENT before.
Starting a new cycle this week.
My third one. I am 22 years old.
For the next 14 weeks
Anadrol 25mg ED first month
Test E 250mg total week
EQ 400mg total week
Tbol last month
Any thoughts for on cycle support and PCT?
Also where can I get a good source of Tudca?
Thanks guys.
I'm 6'1
190 pounds
12% body fat
Have run Test and Anavar cycle, Sarms cycle, and MENT before.