
Tbol only


New member
Hey man, hope you well. I know running tbol alone is not great but as a PCT would nolva and proviron be good?
Hey man, hope you well. I know running tbol alone is not great but as a PCT would nolva and proviron be good?
bro, wtf??? seriously... you sit there and you say you know its bad but your doing it anyway??? sorry but i dont advise on bs like that whatsoever... and NO, that is not even close to a proper pct but you need to run things properly... if not, do not use steroids, plain and simple bro... im not trying to be a dick but i dont advise people to do shit I KNOW is going to hurt them...
Hey man, hope you well. I know running tbol alone is not great but as a PCT would nolva and proviron be good?

That's a bad cycle to run Tbol only, and Nolva and Proviron is not a complete pct at all. Both are horrible ideas, so scratch all of it.

What is your Complete stats, experience and goals for the cycle?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I know drinking and driving is bad...but do you think i can make it home after i leave the bar when it closes
Fuckit dude you obviously know what you can handle run it and run it high to maximize the pain, I mean gains...
I did... several times when I was younger. Made it thru some check points too. Fuck... that was #BlessedUp

I will never forget the time i got pulled over after leaving the bar, first word out of the cops mouth was not "license and registration" it was soooo how much did you drink? lol By the good of god it was shift change and i guess he had some high class poon waiting for him so he gave me a warning and took off like a bat outta hell
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