

There is no perfect dose. 40-60mg ed works well. Our caps are 25mg so you could take 50mg or 75mg if purchased through BT
60 mg is the sweet spot for it... 40 and 50 are still effective doses... do not exceed 60 mg.. whats good for one may or may not be for the next person... there's NO SUCH THING as the "perfect dose" bro... there's an ideal dose or sweet spot but that does not guarantee that will be best for you either...
I took 60 milligrams a day for 5 weeks. March through April just a couple weeks ago. Tbol just doesn't do much for me. I really noticed nothing. Last summer I took 40 milligrams a day for 6 weeks and noticed nothing. In my humble opinion a good Sarms stack performs better than Tbol.That's just for me though.

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I took 60 milligrams a day for 5 weeks. March through April just a couple weeks ago. Tbol just doesn't do much for me. I really noticed nothing. Last summer I took 40 milligrams a day for 6 weeks and noticed nothing. In my humble opinion a good Sarms stack performs better than Tbol.That's just for me though.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

10 out of 10 times i would go with sarms over an oral... i totally agree

10 out of 10 times i would go with sarms over an oral... i totally agree
We agree on a lot! I've been meaning to tell you I finally got my Cadillac XTS about 3 weeks ago. I love it! I got the silver metallic with Shale interior. Panoramic sunroof. All wheel drive. Love it!

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We agree on a lot! I've been meaning to tell you I finally got my Cadillac XTS about 3 weeks ago. I love it! I got the silver metallic with Shale interior. Panoramic sunroof. All wheel drive. Love it!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

sick bro!!! i sold mine already because of the cadillac ct6.. i bought the platinum ct6... its unreal...
I would certainly roll with lgd-4033 over tbol any day. I had no sides and strength/fullness increased pretty rapidly. Tbol however... worst gas I've ever had. Stomach cramps. Wrecked my appetite. Go to and get some lgd!
I took 60 milligrams a day for 5 weeks. March through April just a couple weeks ago. Tbol just doesn't do much for me. I really noticed nothing. Last summer I took 40 milligrams a day for 6 weeks and noticed nothing. In my humble opinion a good Sarms stack performs better than Tbol.That's just for me though.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I agree with you on that. I'm just not a fan of much of any orals at all anymore. I don't like how orals make me feel. Sarms work so well and make me feel good while on cycle so I stick to them as much as possible

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yep, just totally not worth it. Especially when compared to how good Sarms are right now. Tried them all by now as far as the orals. Don't want to do Dbol any more because of the harshness. Tbol and anavar just don't work for me. Much better off with the Sarms! It was worth it to try them though! You don't know for sure until you try them!

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testdude and totalpackage could not be more spot on... i completely agree with both... why in the world would you put your body through all the bull shit you have to go through with orals when you can get the results with sarms and not have to deal with any of the side effects... its a no brainer...
PED forums are becoming a joke with all of these oral only threads. For anyone who is reading this thinking of doing an oral only cycle, get it through your thick's goddamn stupid!!! It's like it's a fad where inexperienced, high bf dudes who just started working out or have never put in 100% are just looking for a miracle pill...hate to break it to you but orals are not miracle pills. They do have a place and that is to either kick start or clean up a cycle...not to take for 6 weeks and think you're gonna look like a fitness model on the beach this summer. Soooo FED UP of this, how many goddamn experienced guys and articles must there be to conclude orals only are terrible?!

A triple stack of LGD-GW-S4 dosed properly along with excellent dieting and work ethic will get you awesome results and keepable gains without putting your body through all that ruckus for literally give or take the same gains +++ having to worry about keeping during PCT. With Sarms, you'll keep just about everything given you keep working hard...come on guys lets brighten up a little it's getting annoying af!
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