
T bol question


New member
This has probably been done a thousand times over. .but I started my bulk about 6 weeks ago and just started a cycle of test, npp, and t bol. Since I started, I literally have no appetite. It's my 1st run with it and any answers/opinions would be appreciated.

36 yo
14% bf


100mg prop and 100mg npp eod, with 50 mg tbol daily. Started test e @ 600mg weekly a week in while still using prop as a kicker. 12.5 mg aromasin eod.

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Had the same problem! Ran Test cyp 600mg / Deca 500mg / T-bol 50mg daily / Proviron 50 mg daily /Sarms / HGH, when the tbol was started couldn't eat at all. Had to take GHRP6 , 2iu a day to eat
what exactly is your question? are you trying to figure out how to get your appetite up? if that's the case, add mk677 to the stack... you will not have any sort of trouble eating whatsoever and you will be releasing hgh at a rapid rate... you will see huge results all the way around by adding this... you can get the highest quality at
what exactly is your question? are you trying to figure out how to get your appetite up? if that's the case, add mk677 to the stack... you will not have any sort of trouble eating whatsoever and you will be releasing hgh at a rapid rate... you will see huge results all the way around by adding this... you can get the highest quality at
I can speak from experience! Ever since starting MK677 I've been a ravenous beast!
I can also vouch for the effectiveness of MK-677 on appetite. I started it a few days ago and ever since I did my appetite has been through the roof
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