And look bro you are one of us...don't say stupid anything about questions.This is how we learn. With aas I always went about it in a certain way.I did not have access to all of the info you guys have today, but I listened to those few that were in the know. I always started lower than what I was advised...patience is a is absolutely required when it come to your cycle and your health. My cycle that just ended was one of the best I have had, and mostly it was because of tren.I only used tren during a certain period in my life and then went away from it. So coming back to it after such a long time did wonders. All of my cycles go something like this. 200 cyp, 250 sus, 200 deca as my base. Then it may be 900 primo, or 800 eq, or 600 masteron. Well this time it was 150 tren E. For the first time in a long time I added a few lbs yet lost a tad of BF.
So no need to be scared of anything but be cautious, and show these compounds respect. Also I like trenE way way more than A. It is true that many who do trenA for the first time, never make it past 2 weeks. If they would do 50mg or less eod rather than 100,or 150 ed then they would have more chance of getting some results.
Too many guys want to jump into the high doses right away. That is totally not the way to go.
So my advice to you would be to get a test base that you like...maybe 200-400, and then add 150 trenA per week...or 50mg M,W,F...not eod yet. After one week you will be able to judge if you can go to eod. You know you have us here if you don't like something going on. Post or even pm me. Good luck.You look good now so you can expect some of those gains to come your way.