Hello dylan i hope you're fine i'm one of your big fans , i watch and i like all your video when i watch them haha i'm 23 years old actually i'm fat and i'm doing clenbuterol cycle : 2weeks on , and 2 weeks off with Keto diet i'll stop when i'll achieve 8% BF that's my firstly goal , when i'll achieve it , i'll start another goal is to gain muscle size and strength my question is can i go with oral only cycle because to be honest i'm scared of needles i can't do it haha and i know in all your video you say that you need test etc but it's so hard and impossible for me , i know a lot of people who have a great results from Dbol only cycle 40mg per day only cycle for 6-8 weeks and they keep approximately 70% of the gainz but with dbol you can get acne in your face etc and you need an anti aromatise , what i have in my mind is Turinabol ( TBOL)
with 60mg of tbol per day , can i gain muscle mass and strength like Dbol ? or much better or less or what ? and for my diet it will not change : Keto diet : 50% protein , 30% fat and 20%carbs . like that i can gain muscle mass with Tbol and stay shredded with the diet for training i'll do 5 sets of 12-15 reps with drop sets . what do you think about all that program ??
with 60mg of tbol per day , can i gain muscle mass and strength like Dbol ? or much better or less or what ? and for my diet it will not change : Keto diet : 50% protein , 30% fat and 20%carbs . like that i can gain muscle mass with Tbol and stay shredded with the diet for training i'll do 5 sets of 12-15 reps with drop sets . what do you think about all that program ??