
steroid percents and half life


Active member
When you have aas and it may say 100mgs/ml, those mgs are not exactly 100mgs of the hormone itself, there is also the ester weight involved. The mgs below are the estimated amount of active hormone you get per 100mg of ester and active hormone. Also is a list of half life, and also the half life of the esters themselves. This work is somewhat old, but I guess still relavent. This was put together by drb when he was really in to pharmacology.

Boldenone base: 100mg
Boldenone acetate: 83mg
Boldenone Propionate: 80mg
Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg
Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg

Methenolone Base: 100mg
Methenolone Acetate: 82mg
Methenolone Enanthate: 71mg

Nandrolone Base: 100mg
Nandrolone Cypionate: 69mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 63mg
Nandrolone Decanoate: 62mg
Nandrolone Undecylenate: 60mg
Nandrolone Laurate: 56mg

Testosterone Base: 100mg
Testosterone Acetate: 83mg
Testosterone Propionate: 80mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 72mg
Testosterone Enanthate: 70mg
Testosterone Cypionate: 69mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 66mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 62mg
Testosterone Undecanoate: 61mg

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg*
Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg*

Drug Active half-life

Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours
Methyltestosterone 4 days
Winstrol (stanozolol) 9 hours

INJECTABLE STEROIDS Drug Active half-life

Deca-durabolin (Nandrolone decanate) 15 days
Equipoise 14 days
Finaject (trenbolone acetate) 3 days
Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days
Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate 4.5 days
Testosterone Suspension 1 day
Winstrol (stanozolol) 1 day

STEROID ESTERS Drug Active half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 4.5 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Researched by Drb
When you have aas and it may say 100mgs/ml, those mgs are not exactly 100mgs of the hormone itself, there is also the ester weight involved. The mgs below are the estimated amount of active hormone you get per 100mg of ester and active hormone. Also is a list of half life, and also the half life of the esters themselves. This work is somewhat old, but I guess still relavent. This was put together by drb when he was really in to pharmacology.

Boldenone base: 100mg
Boldenone acetate: 83mg
Boldenone Propionate: 80mg
Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg
Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg

Methenolone Base: 100mg
Methenolone Acetate: 82mg
Methenolone Enanthate: 71mg

Nandrolone Base: 100mg
Nandrolone Cypionate: 69mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 63mg
Nandrolone Decanoate: 62mg
Nandrolone Undecylenate: 60mg
Nandrolone Laurate: 56mg

Testosterone Base: 100mg
Testosterone Acetate: 83mg
Testosterone Propionate: 80mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 72mg
Testosterone Enanthate: 70mg
Testosterone Cypionate: 69mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 66mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 62mg
Testosterone Undecanoate: 61mg

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg*
Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg*

Drug Active half-life

Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours
Methyltestosterone 4 days
Winstrol (stanozolol) 9 hours

INJECTABLE STEROIDS Drug Active half-life

Deca-durabolin (Nandrolone decanate) 15 days
Equipoise 14 days
Finaject (trenbolone acetate) 3 days
Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days
Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate 4.5 days
Testosterone Suspension 1 day
Winstrol (stanozolol) 1 day

STEROID ESTERS Drug Active half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 4.5 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Researched by Drb

Yea he posted a new thread about this last month or so...I noticed some of the numbers changed. Good stuff though
Yea he posted a new thread about this last month or so...I noticed some of the numbers changed. Good stuff though

I think that it has been updated/edited a few times since he originally put it together. I also saw a few that didn't seem correct...but close.
Heres a bit more that could be added :

What alot of people do not understand, is that when you dose your injectables at eg 100mg/ml, unless you are using Base hormone, you are actually NOT getting 100mg of the hormone.

Labs attach the ester to the hormone in order to slow down the breakdown/release of the hormone into your system. The general rule is that, the longer the Ester (how long the half life of hormone is) the less hormone you will be getting mg for mg.

Half life is the time from when you inject a hormone, until when it has reached 50% of injected dose.

EG Testosterone Enanthate has a half life of 5-7 days depending upon ones metabolism. that means that if you inject 100mg of testosterone enanthate, in 5-7 days, your body will have used and disposed of 50mg (or 50%)

anyway, when using AAS, the most important thing you can do to minimize side effects, is to keep your levels as stable as possible. that may mean injecting smaller doses more frequently. your body works hard to balance its hormones, hence why if you increase or decrease an AAS or add something to your cycle, your mood is more likely to become unstable for about 2 weeks until your levels stabilize.
Personally, I will pin Test E or Test C twice a week.

I HATE WHEN I SEE SOME PEANUT ONLY PINNING TEST PROP ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK. MAKES NO SENSE! but there is really is alot of misinformation out there. here is a guide to help plan your cycles properly to make sure that your levels dont drop sub PAR and encourage more side effect. Especially worth noting when doing orals.

Oral steroids Drug Active half-life

Anabolicum Vister (Quinbolone) - Active Life: less than 8-12 hours
Activella (Norethindrone Acetate) - 9 hours
Anadrol / Anapolan (Oxymetholone) - 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (Oxandrolone) - 9 hours
Orabolin (Ethylestrenol) - 3.3 hours
Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) - 9.2 hours.
Dimethyltestosterone (Bolasterone/Myagen) - 6 hours
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone, Methandienone) - 4.5 to 6 hours
Methyltrienolone (MT/ M3/ Metribolone/ Oral tren) - 4 to 5 hours
Methasterone (Superdrol) - 8-12 hours
Methyltestosterone - 6-8 hours
Methylhydroxynandrolone (MOHN) - approx. 12 Hours
Oranabol (Oxymesterone) - 8-10 Hours
M1T (Methyl - 1 - Testosterone) - 5 hours
Sublingual Testosterone Cyclodextrin - 60-68 min
Winstrol (Stanozolol) - 9 hours (oral)
Tetrahydrogestrinone (The Clear / THG) - 24 to 48 hours
Turanabol ( 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - 16 hours
Proviron (Mesterolone) - 12 - 13 hours
Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) - 3.7 hours
Methenolone Acetate - around 3 hours

Depot steroids Drug Active half-life

Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (NPP) - 5 days
Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanate) - 6 days
Dynabolan (Nandrolone Undecanoate) - 6-7 days
Anadur (Nandrolone Hexylphenylpropionate) - 6-8 days
Dimethylnandrolone (DMN) - about 4 hours

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) - 14 days

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) - 10.5 days
Methenolone Acetate (Injectable) - 4-5 days

Sustanon / Omnadren - 15 to 18 days

Winstrol (Stanozolol) - 24 hours (injectable)

Masterject (Masteron, Mastabol) (Drostanolone Propionate) - 1-2 days
Masterject (Masteron, Mastabol) (Drostanolone Enanthate) - 5-6 days

Stenbolone Acetate (Anatrofin) - 1-2 days

Methandriol Dipropionate - 1-2 days

Finaplix/Finaject (Trenbolone Acetate) - 24-48 hours
Trenbolone Enanthate - 7-10 days
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate - 14 days.
Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) - 14 days.

Testosterone Buciclate - 29.5 days (+/- 3.9 days)
Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido) - 18.3(+-2.3) - 23.7 (+-2.7)
Testosterone Cypionate - around 8 days
Testosterone Enanthate - around 5-7 days
Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 2-3 days (active life 4-5 days)
Testosterone Propionate - 0.8-1.5 days (active life 3.5 days)
Testosterone Suspension - 2 peaks (immediately hits the blood stream when injected and then a few days later the solid particles are slowly absorbed by the body)
Agovirin Depot (Testosterone Isobutyrate) -12 to 15 Days
Dihydrotestosterone - 7 days

Ancillaries /Fat Burners Drug Active half-life

Pramipexole Dihydrochloride (Mirapex, Mirapexin, Sifrol) - about 8 hours
Dostinex (Cabergoline) - between 63 to 69 hours
Parlodel (Bromocriptine Mesylate) - about 15 hours

Arimidex (Anastrozole) - 30-46 hours
Femara (Letrozole) - 2-4 days
Aromasin (Exemestane) - about 24-27 hours
Cytadren (Aminoglutethimide) - 12.5 ± 1.6 hours.

An overview of the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the newer generation aromatase inhibitors anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) - 5-7 days
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) - 5-7 days
FARESTON® (Toremifene citrate) - 5 days

Fat Burners

Albuterol (Salbutamol) - 2.85 (+/- 0.83) - 2.00 (+/- 0.49) hours
Clenbuterol - 36-48 hours
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - 3-6 hours
T3 (Triiodothyronine/Liothyronine Sodium) - 10 hours
T4 (Levothyroxine sodium/ L-thyroxine) - 7 days
Yohimbine Hydrochloride - 36 min


Accutane (Isotretinoin) - 15-23 hours (acne)
VIAGRA (Sildenafil) - about 4 hours (erectile dysfunction
Tadalafil (Cialis) - 17.5 hours (erectile dysfunction)
Valium (Diazepam) - 1-3 hours (up to the age) / peak 1-1.5 hours
Lasix (Furosemide) - approximately 2 hours

It is also of importance to note that the ester has weight in your dose.
EG testosterone Enanthate only has approximatly 71mg of testosterone per 100mg of 'hormone'. the other 29mg is the ester attached.

so people that are only injecting 200-250 mg of test E a week, are getting 140-175 mg of hormone. While this is above your natty test production, (unless supplementing HCG and or Clomid) is it really worth shutting down your natty test for such minimal elevated levels?

Personally, I never recommend anything under 400-500mg of a longer estered testosterone for supplementation.

Its also interesting to note that while test prop's ester is shorter than test Ace, test ace actually has more test mg for mg than test prop, also you can pin every two days and still keep levels very stable.

Below I will attach the table for hormones and ester weights.

Steroid Remaining After Ester is Removed
100mg Testosterone Suspension (un-esterified Testosterone) = 100mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Acetate = 87.28mg Testosterone (288.4244/330.4611=0.872793802356)
100mg Testosterone Propionate = 83.72mg Testosterone (288.4244/344.4877=0.8372560181)
100mg Testosterone Isobutyrate = 80.45mg Testosterone (288.4244/358.5143 =0.8044990)
100mg Testosterone Pentanoate = 77.42mg Testosterone (288.4244/372.5408=0.774208892)
100mg Testosterone Trimethylacetate = 77.42mg Testosterone (288.4244/372.5408=0.7742)
100mg Testosterone Isocaproate = 74.61mg Testosterone (288.4244/386.5674=0.746116718)
100mg Testosterone Hemisuccinate = 74.24mg Testosterone (288.4244/388.4972 =0.74241)
100mg Testosterone Benzoate = 73.47mg Testosterone (288.4244/392.5305=0.7347821379)
100mg Testosterone Dichloroacetate = 72.22mg Testosterone (288.4244/399.3512=0.72223)
100mg Testosterone Enanthate = 71.99mg Testosterone (288.4244/400.5940=0.719991812)
100mg Testosterone Cypionate = 69.9mg Testosterone (288.4244/412.6047=0.6990332393)
100mg Testosterone Caprylate = 69.56mg Testosterone (288.4244/414.6206=0.695634515)
100mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate = 68.57mg Testosterone (288.4244/420.5836=0.6857)
100mg Testosterone-3-Phenylpropionate = 68.25mg Testost-e(288.4244/422.5995=0.6825)
100mg Testosterone Tosylate = 65.16mg Testosterone (288.4244/442.6108=0.65164338511)
100mg Testosterone Decanoate = 65.15mg Testosterone (288.4244/442.6737=0.651550792)
100mg Testosterone Undecanoate = 65.15mg Testosterone (288.4244/ 456.7003=0.651550)
100mg Testosterone Dodecanoate = 61.27mg Testosterone (288.4244/470.7269=0.6127213)

100mg Trenbolone Acetate = 86.54mg Trenbolone (270.37/312.4028)
100mg Trenbolone Enanthate = 70.68mg Trenbolone (270.37/382.5357)
100mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate = 65.85 mg Trenbolone (270.37/410.54)

100mg Nandrolone Acetate = 86.71mg Nandrolone (274.3978/316.4345 =0.867155130050)
100mg Nandrolone Propionate = 83mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 330.4611 = 0.830348261868)
100mg Nandrolone Hemisuccinate = 72.88mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 376.4865 =0.72883)
100mg Nandrolone Benzoate = 72.5mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 378.5039 = 0.7249536926)
100mg Nandrolone Enanthate= 70.98mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 386.5674 =0.7098317136)
100mg Nandrolone Cypionate = 68.84mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 398.5781 = 0.688441738)
100mg Nandrolone Caprylate = 68.49mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 400.5940 =0.684977308)
100mg Nandrolone Phenylpropionate = 67.49mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 406.5571 = 0.674)
100mg Nandrolone Decanoate = 64mg Nandrolone (274.3978/428.6472 =0.640148355104)
100mg Nandrolone Undecanoate = 61.98mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 442.6737 = 0.6198646)
100mg Nandrolone Dodecanoate = 60mg Nandrolone (274.3978/456.7003 = 0.600826844)
100mg Nandrolone P-Hexyloxyphenylpropionate = 54.15mg Nandrolone (274.3978/506.7159= 0.5415)

100mg Drostanolone Propionate = 84.45mg Drostanolone (304.4669/360.5301=0.844497)
100mg Drostanolone Enanthate = 73mg Drostanolone (304.4669/416.6365 = 0.7307734679)

100mg Boldenone Acetate = 87.20mg Boldenone (286.4085/328.4452 = 0.872013048143191)
100mg Boldenone Hemisuccinate = 74.1mg Boldenone (286.4085/386.4813 = 0.74106690)
100mg Boldenone Benzoate = 73.34mg Boldenone (286.4085/390.5146 = 0.7334130401270)
100mg Boldenone Hexahydrobenzoate = 72.22mg Boldenone (286.4085/ 396.5622 = 0.7222)
100mg Boldenone Undecylenate = 63.27mg Boldenone (286.4085/452.6686=0.6327112152)
100mg Boldenone Undecanoate = 62.99mg Boldenone (286.4085/ 454.6844 = 0.62990615)

100mg Methenolone Acetate = 87.8 mg Methenolone (302.4558/344.49=0.87798)
100mg Methenolone Enanthate = 72.95mg Methenolone (302.4558/414.6206 = 0.72947605)

Something to think about, and take into consideration when planning a cycle.

Hope it can help.
Heres a bit more that could be added :

What alot of people do not understand, is that when you dose your injectables at eg 100mg/ml, unless you are using Base hormone, you are actually NOT getting 100mg of the hormone.

Labs attach the ester to the hormone in order to slow down the breakdown/release of the hormone into your system. The general rule is that, the longer the Ester (how long the half life of hormone is) the less hormone you will be getting mg for mg.

Half life is the time from when you inject a hormone, until when it has reached 50% of injected dose.

EG Testosterone Enanthate has a half life of 5-7 days depending upon ones metabolism. that means that if you inject 100mg of testosterone enanthate, in 5-7 days, your body will have used and disposed of 50mg (or 50%)

anyway, when using AAS, the most important thing you can do to minimize side effects, is to keep your levels as stable as possible. that may mean injecting smaller doses more frequently. your body works hard to balance its hormones, hence why if you increase or decrease an AAS or add something to your cycle, your mood is more likely to become unstable for about 2 weeks until your levels stabilize.
Personally, I will pin Test E or Test C twice a week.

I HATE WHEN I SEE SOME PEANUT ONLY PINNING TEST PROP ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK. MAKES NO SENSE! but there is really is alot of misinformation out there. here is a guide to help plan your cycles properly to make sure that your levels dont drop sub PAR and encourage more side effect. Especially worth noting when doing orals.

Oral steroids Drug Active half-life

Anabolicum Vister (Quinbolone) - Active Life: less than 8-12 hours
Activella (Norethindrone Acetate) - 9 hours
Anadrol / Anapolan (Oxymetholone) - 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (Oxandrolone) - 9 hours
Orabolin (Ethylestrenol) - 3.3 hours
Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) - 9.2 hours.
Dimethyltestosterone (Bolasterone/Myagen) - 6 hours
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone, Methandienone) - 4.5 to 6 hours
Methyltrienolone (MT/ M3/ Metribolone/ Oral tren) - 4 to 5 hours
Methasterone (Superdrol) - 8-12 hours
Methyltestosterone - 6-8 hours
Methylhydroxynandrolone (MOHN) - approx. 12 Hours
Oranabol (Oxymesterone) - 8-10 Hours
M1T (Methyl - 1 - Testosterone) - 5 hours
Sublingual Testosterone Cyclodextrin - 60-68 min
Winstrol (Stanozolol) - 9 hours (oral)
Tetrahydrogestrinone (The Clear / THG) - 24 to 48 hours
Turanabol ( 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - 16 hours
Proviron (Mesterolone) - 12 - 13 hours
Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) - 3.7 hours
Methenolone Acetate - around 3 hours

Depot steroids Drug Active half-life

Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (NPP) - 5 days
Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanate) - 6 days
Dynabolan (Nandrolone Undecanoate) - 6-7 days
Anadur (Nandrolone Hexylphenylpropionate) - 6-8 days
Dimethylnandrolone (DMN) - about 4 hours

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) - 14 days

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) - 10.5 days
Methenolone Acetate (Injectable) - 4-5 days

Sustanon / Omnadren - 15 to 18 days

Winstrol (Stanozolol) - 24 hours (injectable)

Masterject (Masteron, Mastabol) (Drostanolone Propionate) - 1-2 days
Masterject (Masteron, Mastabol) (Drostanolone Enanthate) - 5-6 days

Stenbolone Acetate (Anatrofin) - 1-2 days

Methandriol Dipropionate - 1-2 days

Finaplix/Finaject (Trenbolone Acetate) - 24-48 hours
Trenbolone Enanthate - 7-10 days
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate - 14 days.
Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) - 14 days.

Testosterone Buciclate - 29.5 days (+/- 3.9 days)
Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido) - 18.3(+-2.3) - 23.7 (+-2.7)
Testosterone Cypionate - around 8 days
Testosterone Enanthate - around 5-7 days
Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 2-3 days (active life 4-5 days)
Testosterone Propionate - 0.8-1.5 days (active life 3.5 days)
Testosterone Suspension - 2 peaks (immediately hits the blood stream when injected and then a few days later the solid particles are slowly absorbed by the body)
Agovirin Depot (Testosterone Isobutyrate) -12 to 15 Days
Dihydrotestosterone - 7 days

Ancillaries /Fat Burners Drug Active half-life

Pramipexole Dihydrochloride (Mirapex, Mirapexin, Sifrol) - about 8 hours
Dostinex (Cabergoline) - between 63 to 69 hours
Parlodel (Bromocriptine Mesylate) - about 15 hours

Arimidex (Anastrozole) - 30-46 hours
Femara (Letrozole) - 2-4 days
Aromasin (Exemestane) - about 24-27 hours
Cytadren (Aminoglutethimide) - 12.5 ± 1.6 hours.

An overview of the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the newer generation aromatase inhibitors anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) - 5-7 days
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) - 5-7 days
FARESTON® (Toremifene citrate) - 5 days

Fat Burners

Albuterol (Salbutamol) - 2.85 (+/- 0.83) - 2.00 (+/- 0.49) hours
Clenbuterol - 36-48 hours
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - 3-6 hours
T3 (Triiodothyronine/Liothyronine Sodium) - 10 hours
T4 (Levothyroxine sodium/ L-thyroxine) - 7 days
Yohimbine Hydrochloride - 36 min


Accutane (Isotretinoin) - 15-23 hours (acne)
VIAGRA (Sildenafil) - about 4 hours (erectile dysfunction
Tadalafil (Cialis) - 17.5 hours (erectile dysfunction)
Valium (Diazepam) - 1-3 hours (up to the age) / peak 1-1.5 hours
Lasix (Furosemide) - approximately 2 hours

It is also of importance to note that the ester has weight in your dose.
EG testosterone Enanthate only has approximatly 71mg of testosterone per 100mg of 'hormone'. the other 29mg is the ester attached.

so people that are only injecting 200-250 mg of test E a week, are getting 140-175 mg of hormone. While this is above your natty test production, (unless supplementing HCG and or Clomid) is it really worth shutting down your natty test for such minimal elevated levels?

Personally, I never recommend anything under 400-500mg of a longer estered testosterone for supplementation.

Its also interesting to note that while test prop's ester is shorter than test Ace, test ace actually has more test mg for mg than test prop, also you can pin every two days and still keep levels very stable.

Below I will attach the table for hormones and ester weights.

Steroid Remaining After Ester is Removed
100mg Testosterone Suspension (un-esterified Testosterone) = 100mg Testosterone
100mg Testosterone Acetate = 87.28mg Testosterone (288.4244/330.4611=0.872793802356)
100mg Testosterone Propionate = 83.72mg Testosterone (288.4244/344.4877=0.8372560181)
100mg Testosterone Isobutyrate = 80.45mg Testosterone (288.4244/358.5143 =0.8044990)
100mg Testosterone Pentanoate = 77.42mg Testosterone (288.4244/372.5408=0.774208892)
100mg Testosterone Trimethylacetate = 77.42mg Testosterone (288.4244/372.5408=0.7742)
100mg Testosterone Isocaproate = 74.61mg Testosterone (288.4244/386.5674=0.746116718)
100mg Testosterone Hemisuccinate = 74.24mg Testosterone (288.4244/388.4972 =0.74241)
100mg Testosterone Benzoate = 73.47mg Testosterone (288.4244/392.5305=0.7347821379)
100mg Testosterone Dichloroacetate = 72.22mg Testosterone (288.4244/399.3512=0.72223)
100mg Testosterone Enanthate = 71.99mg Testosterone (288.4244/400.5940=0.719991812)
100mg Testosterone Cypionate = 69.9mg Testosterone (288.4244/412.6047=0.6990332393)
100mg Testosterone Caprylate = 69.56mg Testosterone (288.4244/414.6206=0.695634515)
100mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate = 68.57mg Testosterone (288.4244/420.5836=0.6857)
100mg Testosterone-3-Phenylpropionate = 68.25mg Testost-e(288.4244/422.5995=0.6825)
100mg Testosterone Tosylate = 65.16mg Testosterone (288.4244/442.6108=0.65164338511)
100mg Testosterone Decanoate = 65.15mg Testosterone (288.4244/442.6737=0.651550792)
100mg Testosterone Undecanoate = 65.15mg Testosterone (288.4244/ 456.7003=0.651550)
100mg Testosterone Dodecanoate = 61.27mg Testosterone (288.4244/470.7269=0.6127213)

100mg Trenbolone Acetate = 86.54mg Trenbolone (270.37/312.4028)
100mg Trenbolone Enanthate = 70.68mg Trenbolone (270.37/382.5357)
100mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate = 65.85 mg Trenbolone (270.37/410.54)

100mg Nandrolone Acetate = 86.71mg Nandrolone (274.3978/316.4345 =0.867155130050)
100mg Nandrolone Propionate = 83mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 330.4611 = 0.830348261868)
100mg Nandrolone Hemisuccinate = 72.88mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 376.4865 =0.72883)
100mg Nandrolone Benzoate = 72.5mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 378.5039 = 0.7249536926)
100mg Nandrolone Enanthate= 70.98mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 386.5674 =0.7098317136)
100mg Nandrolone Cypionate = 68.84mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 398.5781 = 0.688441738)
100mg Nandrolone Caprylate = 68.49mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 400.5940 =0.684977308)
100mg Nandrolone Phenylpropionate = 67.49mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 406.5571 = 0.674)
100mg Nandrolone Decanoate = 64mg Nandrolone (274.3978/428.6472 =0.640148355104)
100mg Nandrolone Undecanoate = 61.98mg Nandrolone (274.3978/ 442.6737 = 0.6198646)
100mg Nandrolone Dodecanoate = 60mg Nandrolone (274.3978/456.7003 = 0.600826844)
100mg Nandrolone P-Hexyloxyphenylpropionate = 54.15mg Nandrolone (274.3978/506.7159= 0.5415)

100mg Drostanolone Propionate = 84.45mg Drostanolone (304.4669/360.5301=0.844497)
100mg Drostanolone Enanthate = 73mg Drostanolone (304.4669/416.6365 = 0.7307734679)

100mg Boldenone Acetate = 87.20mg Boldenone (286.4085/328.4452 = 0.872013048143191)
100mg Boldenone Hemisuccinate = 74.1mg Boldenone (286.4085/386.4813 = 0.74106690)
100mg Boldenone Benzoate = 73.34mg Boldenone (286.4085/390.5146 = 0.7334130401270)
100mg Boldenone Hexahydrobenzoate = 72.22mg Boldenone (286.4085/ 396.5622 = 0.7222)
100mg Boldenone Undecylenate = 63.27mg Boldenone (286.4085/452.6686=0.6327112152)
100mg Boldenone Undecanoate = 62.99mg Boldenone (286.4085/ 454.6844 = 0.62990615)

100mg Methenolone Acetate = 87.8 mg Methenolone (302.4558/344.49=0.87798)
100mg Methenolone Enanthate = 72.95mg Methenolone (302.4558/414.6206 = 0.72947605)

Something to think about, and take into consideration when planning a cycle.

Hope it can help.

That is great angelo. I was comparing it to what I posted to see how they compared. It looks exactly like something my dad wrote a few years back.Looks like someone just added to it. But it lets you see how the half life is related to the esters. Someone sat down and researched all of these molecular formula weights. Whether they hand calculated or got it from a Merck Index it still is a lot of work. Sounds exactly like something pop would do. I think he may have wrtten this when he was a freelance writer with T.C. Luoma. These kinds of posts are keepers for sure.
Great info, though some of these,numbers and half lives are not accurate depending on what source you go by. For example, pharmaceutical companies give the half life of testosterone cypionate at 8 days printed right on the info included with your TRT vial and not 12 days

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That is great angelo. I was comparing it to what I posted to see how they compared. It looks exactly like something my dad wrote a few years back.Looks like someone just added to it. But it lets you see how the half life is related to the esters. Someone sat down and researched all of these molecular formula weights. Whether they hand calculated or got it from a Merck Index it still is a lot of work. Sounds exactly like something pop would do. I think he may have wrtten this when he was a freelance writer with T.C. Luoma. These kinds of posts are keepers for sure.

^Very similar, but differences in some of the half lives of compounds and a few other variables.
just so this is never lost and easily readable to EVERYONE, it is now a stickie... this information if far too pertinent to get lost in the shuffle... stickie material !! THANKS FOR POSTING!
Just a quick lesson on how the % hormone is calculated. I will use drinking alcohol or ethanol as an example because it is very short chained. C-C-OH. Every carbon has 4 places of something attached, so I can't draw it for you but the primary or first carbon has 3 hydrogens on it, and 4 bonds. The secondary carbon alread has 2 bonds on it already ,so there are 2 hydrogens on it. So when the empirical formular is written it would be C2H5OH. So what percent of alcohol is carbon. Lets find the atomic weight from the periodic chart.C=12, O=16, H=1. So total C =24, total H =6, and total O=16. The gram formula weight or molecular weight is 46. To find % C we take 12 x 100 divided by 46. Alcohol is 26.09% Carbon. So I think that when drb put these notes together he just hand calculated the %, because at the time there was no internet. Then latter he googled the empircal formula one by one and calculated the %. Also important is to look at the esters themselves...that is pretty cool and points out half life vs molecular weight.
No wonder drb made fireworks that shook our Mom has not recovered to this day!!
just so this is never lost and easily readable to EVERYONE, it is now a stickie... this information if far too pertinent to get lost in the shuffle... stickie material !! THANKS FOR POSTING!

I believe people will gain alot of knowledge from this thread as well, good sticky..
Fantastic read and important information for us newbies. Thank you very much AR family. I'm learning quite a bit with y'all.
just so this is never lost and easily readable to EVERYONE, it is now a stickie... this information if far too pertinent to get lost in the shuffle... stickie material !! THANKS FOR POSTING!

Great idea. This is a valuable resource for everyone and should be readily available
Very, very nice. Very valuable quick reference. There is always debate on a lot of the orals. Sure is nice when are very sure of a half life and only have to take an oral tab just once (as opposed to thinking it's less and taking it twice).
Hey you young guys! I missed you. I wrote all of these posts many many years back .Angelo where did you get that from? I wrote that a long time ago. Both what you and jake posted are outdated. I revised a bit of it when that thing called internet came along!!!
Hey you young guys! I missed you. I wrote all of these posts many many years back .Angelo where did you get that from? I wrote that a long time ago. Both what you and jake posted are outdated. I revised a bit of it when that thing called internet came along!!!

What up bro, how you been my man ? Hope all is well for you and yours.. I found this post searching the web when I started to research more into this topic . Seemed legit and accurate so I posted it here to share with others.. I thought it was informative and people may appreciate this. Glad to see you dropping by, always a pleasure my friend
Wow, awesome read. This answered a few questions and explained some things for me with my current and past gear, and why some things have happened.
Thanks for the info
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