
Steroid cycle test/tbol/EQ/Tren


New member
Hi Dylan i have been watching you for quite a while now, and I do believe that less is more here is a little back story about me and my stats
I started lifting properly when I was 15 years old and in that year I gained say 20-25 lbs with a structured diet and solid training plan.
So I have always known that i was able to gain just fine so I have never felt the need to " abuse steroid dosages" any way. I am know 28 and started taking steroids when I turned 25 yes I know that was a little bit to early. However I have tried my hand with different steroids, and my goal has always been to gain lean dry muscle in stead of the whole bulking wet and gaining a ton of water and then loosing it all again. I have done say maybe 8 or nine cycles before but I haven't kept count. My stats are as following
Height 6'1
Weight 195 lbs
My goals are to yield around 10-20 lbs of clean looking mass.
What do you think of my dosages and do you think that running
Test e 125-250 mg ew. Tbol 60 mg ed. EQ 800mg ew, Tren e 375 mg- 500 mg ew. is good for my goal?
Is adding in EQ to much do you think?
Cycle length would be 16-20 weeks because of EQ
Week 1-20 test e
Week 1-6 tbol
Week 1-10 tren e
Week 1-20 EQ

I'm from Europe by the way so sorry if my English isn't that great
You've done 8-9 cycles in 3 years?

Having a goal in mind is good but you have to be realistic. 10-20 quality pounds from one cycle is not likely.
bro, how in the fuck have you ran 8-9 cycles in three years? have you lost your mind... i would NEVER advise you to use steroids.. you are most certainly not going to hurt yourself, you are literally going to kill yourself and thats no bull shit... you need to stop this complete nonsense NOW... i would not advise you to use steroids if you paid me a million dollars... what on earth is wrong with you ??? have you ever had any bloodwork? how have you ran 8 or 9 cycles and only weight 195? you dont have a clue what you are doing man
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