
starting a new cycle


New member
Hey dylan i just want your opinion on starting a new cycle.
Im on my 4th week following pct of my last cycle (8weeks from last injection)
I did test prop for 8 weeks and i was planning to get a good mass but unfortunately it didnt add any sort of mass just one or two lbs im not sure. Now the blood work my test levels are normal 800ng/dl just nearly same as before i started my cycle ,also my lh and fsh. My pct was
hcg -just 500iu/week last 4 weeks of cycle -,nolva , clomid , aromasin , and test boosters . Now im planning to start a short cycle of dbol 4weeks and test 6weeks . Followed by 12 or 16 weeks before starting another cycle.
My question is can i start the cycle now or i just have to wait another 4weeks even if im fully recovered ? Thanx so much .
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