New to the forum but have been working-out/weight training for 12-15 years of my life. I'm going all out for my second and last physique competition this coming November at the Night of Champions in Kansas City. Currently am running an intense PH cycle and going to stack RAD140 with Epistane 6 weeks out from my show day. Curently on Trestolone with Trendione. I'm also on TRT and I've noticed with prohormones vs. AAS, I am gaining/keeping more muscle and a lot less water with PH's then AAS. I'm sure it can even be better on maintaining gains with SARMS.
I'm going to take 3 months off PH's/SARMS before I start a Spring cycle. I'm going to Vegas next April for me and my fiancé's bachelor/bachelorette party for 3 days. My stats are currently 178 lb., 8.5% bf, 5'-10". Usually when I'm not competing, around 190 lb, 12% bf. I'd like to try a SARM stack by mid-February that would add quality size and have less impact on liver, lipids, estrogen conversion, etc. Especially if I want to drink some while I'm out in Vegas and don't want to be coming off any methylated orals. My goals are to add quality size, get lean enough to look good and cut (was thinking of running Alphamine by PES for helping with cardio ad body fat).
Would really like your recommendations on a quality cycle to run and if it is necessary to still run even an OTC PCT after the cycle (remember I'll still be on TRT during and after the cycle).
Tell me your thoughts on this:
TRT Dose (Test Cyp-200mg/week)
Ostarine 10/10/15/15/20/25
LGD4033 8/8/8/12/12/12
Alphamine - before Cardio and pre-workout
I do have RAD140 and GW on hand, would it be helpful to bring in these SARMS for a Triple-Stack? I've ran Ostarine before up to 30mg and loved the gains I had from it. Appreciate the opinions guys!!!
I'm going to take 3 months off PH's/SARMS before I start a Spring cycle. I'm going to Vegas next April for me and my fiancé's bachelor/bachelorette party for 3 days. My stats are currently 178 lb., 8.5% bf, 5'-10". Usually when I'm not competing, around 190 lb, 12% bf. I'd like to try a SARM stack by mid-February that would add quality size and have less impact on liver, lipids, estrogen conversion, etc. Especially if I want to drink some while I'm out in Vegas and don't want to be coming off any methylated orals. My goals are to add quality size, get lean enough to look good and cut (was thinking of running Alphamine by PES for helping with cardio ad body fat).
Would really like your recommendations on a quality cycle to run and if it is necessary to still run even an OTC PCT after the cycle (remember I'll still be on TRT during and after the cycle).
Tell me your thoughts on this:
TRT Dose (Test Cyp-200mg/week)
Ostarine 10/10/15/15/20/25
LGD4033 8/8/8/12/12/12
Alphamine - before Cardio and pre-workout
I do have RAD140 and GW on hand, would it be helpful to bring in these SARMS for a Triple-Stack? I've ran Ostarine before up to 30mg and loved the gains I had from it. Appreciate the opinions guys!!!