I'm from uk, I'm watching your most of the videos on the YouTube. I want to know some information regarding of using epistane pro hormone. Please any advise must be appreciated. I'm nearly 30 years old, training nearly 7/8 years but can't put on muscle, my body can't keep it. My body weight 82 kg. I want to do a epistane cycle and it's my first cycle. I want do a 4 weeks cycle like 20/40/20/40. I have cycle support by AI sports Nutrition, for back pump I have taurine, for dry joint fish oil and for PCT I have Clomadex by pure labs. My question is is it enough for me to do my first cycle? and if I got any serious sides, do I have to stop to take in and do my PCT? Or if you can give me a advise when if I have any serious side effect that I can't handle it? What should I do? One more question, how do I notice if my natural testosterone production shutdown and what should I do then? Do I have continue until my cycle finish or I have to stop there? Thank you bro please give me a advise.