Just checked out your photos and I took the time to lay out a starter plan for you. Here is what I would do.
Phase I- cutting/strength
Length 4 weeks
Nutrition- 500 calorie deficit from your TDEE
Training- 3 days a week with the following exercises squats, bench press, seated overhead press, bent over rows.
Week 1 and 2. 3 sets of 10 reps, week 3 and 4. 4 sets of 12 reps.
Objective is to learn the form of each of these compound movements while progressing in volume. Make sure you get some instruction as to how to perform these exercise cause creating bad habits will be detrimental in the future.
Cardio- 4 days a week on off days of weight training. Start with 40 mins of steady state cardio so you can lay a solid base of aerobic conditioning and make the transition to adding in some HIIT in later.
This is what I would start with.
Phase II cutting/hypertrophy. Objective of this phase is to continue cutting and taking the techniques that you have learned from previous phase and build a training split to add more exercise for each body part.
Nutrition- recalculate your TDEE with the loss of weight from previous phase.
Training- 3 days a week. Day 1 chest and back abs. Day 2 legs. Day 3 shoulders arms abs. Your workout should revolve around your major compound exercises learned from phase I. Chest workout should start with bench press. Leg workout should start with squats. Back workout should start with bent over rows. Shoulder workout should start with overhead press.
Week 1 and 2- 3 sets of 12 reps. Week 3 and 4- 4 sets of 12 reps.
Supplements- add in some sarms To help assist your goal.
1-12 S4- 50mg a day split doses 25mg in am and 25mg in pm.
1-12 GW- 20mg taken 30 mins before workout.
Cardio- 2 steady state days at 45 mins. 2 HIIT days start with bike sprints. 30 sec of sprinting with 1 min rest and repeat for at least 5 sprints. Monitor RPM during sprints to set goals for following weeks.
Just my opinion brother and hope it helps.
Here is the pct for sarms
9-12 Post Ct
Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day