
Short Half-life and Test Levels


Say you are running a compound like Dbol which has a half life of 4-6 hours. Ideally, you would want to take it at least 3 times a day to maintain steady Test levels. My question is, how fast do test levels drop? Do they drop as fast as the half life? My thinking is that they do not, but I would love some expert advice. If Test levels drop slowly, then what would be the disadvantage of taking Dbol once or twice a day?
jdcain19 said:
Say you are running a compound like Dbol which has a half life of 4-6 hours. Ideally, you would want to take it at least 3 times a day to maintain steady Test levels. My question is, how fast do test levels drop? Do they drop as fast as the half life? My thinking is that they do not, but I would love some expert advice. If Test levels drop slowly, then what would be the disadvantage of taking Dbol once or twice a day?

Honestly i think you are confusing half life with active life. Remember that once 4-6 hours pass, you still have half of the active compound of dbol in your system for another 4-6 hours, and then half of that another 4-6 hours after that. That is just from a single dose. Then when you factor in the compounding factor of it building in your system, your body will maintain very high levels of the compound in your system for a very long time after your last dose. With orals like dbol, you will reach peak concentration of it within a few days. At that point, it literally makes zero difference if you dose it one time per day or three times per day. This is somewhat of a debateable topic, but if you figure up the compounding factor of the dbol building up along with half-life, it makes perfect sense. In my honest opinion, i always dose any oral twice per day and dont worry about the half-life. I hope this helps answer your question
RickRock said:
jdcain19 said:
Say you are running a compound like Dbol which has a half life of 4-6 hours. Ideally, you would want to take it at least 3 times a day to maintain steady Test levels. My question is, how fast do test levels drop? Do they drop as fast as the half life? My thinking is that they do not, but I would love some expert advice. If Test levels drop slowly, then what would be the disadvantage of taking Dbol once or twice a day?

Honestly i think you are confusing half life with active life. Remember that once 4-6 hours pass, you still have half of the active compound of dbol in your system for another 4-6 hours, and then half of that another 4-6 hours after that. That is just from a single dose. Then when you factor in the compounding factor of it building in your system, your body will maintain very high levels of the compound in your system for a very long time after your last dose. With orals like ebol, you will reach leak concentration of it within a few days. At that point, it literally makes zero difference if you dose it one time per day or three times per day. This is somewhat of a debateable topic, but if you figure up the compounding factor of the dbol building up along with half-life, it makes perfect sense. In my honest opinion, i always dose any oral twice per day and dont worry about the half-life. I hope this helps answer your question

Very clear explanation and that helps me a lot. I forgot that the full active life was more than half life x 2. Thank you!
You do know that dbol does not increase your GE st levels in fact if your not supplementing with test you are dropping test and increasing estrogen. Dbol is not test...

As far as dosing will one dose a day preworkout work, yes, is it the best way to optimize growth and keep your blood levels stable which will reduce your sides, the answer is no.
Wacker said:
You do know that dbol does not increase your GE st levels in fact if your not supplementing with test you are dropping test and increasing estrogen. Dbol is not test...

As far as dosing will one dose a day preworkout work, yes, is it the best way to optimize growth and keep your blood levels stable which will reduce your sides, the answer is no.

Absolutely true, and why I don't generally recommend oral only cycles. I would always run a test base with it at the minimum
RickRock said:
jdcain19 said:
Say you are running a compound like Dbol which has a half life of 4-6 hours. Ideally, you would want to take it at least 3 times a day to maintain steady Test levels. My question is, how fast do test levels drop? Do they drop as fast as the half life? My thinking is that they do not, but I would love some expert advice. If Test levels drop slowly, then what would be the disadvantage of taking Dbol once or twice a day?

Honestly i think you are confusing half life with active life. Remember that once 4-6 hours pass, you still have half of the active compound of dbol in your system for another 4-6 hours, and then half of that another 4-6 hours after that. That is just from a single dose. Then when you factor in the compounding factor of it building in your system, your body will maintain very high levels of the compound in your system for a very long time after your last dose. With orals like dbol, you will reach peak concentration of it within a few days. At that point, it literally makes zero difference if you dose it one time per day or three times per day. This is somewhat of a debateable topic, but if you figure up the compounding factor of the dbol building up along with half-life, it makes perfect sense. In my honest opinion, i always dose any oral twice per day and dont worry about the half-life. I hope this helps answer your question
Yes, because of the nature of these half/active lifes, the gear tapers itself down and out of your system.
I will be running Test E @ 500mg/week so I will have a Test base.

Thanks for all of the help with this. You guys really cleared some things up for me.
jdcain19 said:
I will be running Test E @ 500mg/week so I will have a Test base.

Thanks for all of the help with this. You guys really cleared some things up for me.

Perfect. Just make sure you run some aromasin along with it because of the aromatization of both the test and the Dbol. I would run it anywhere from 12.5-25mg EOD depending on how estrogen sensitive you are
RickRock said:
jdcain19 said:
I will be running Test E @ 500mg/week so I will have a Test base.

Thanks for all of the help with this. You guys really cleared some things up for me.

Perfect. Just make sure you run some aromasin along with it because of the aromatization of both the test and the Dbol. I would run it anywhere from 12.5-25mg EOD depending on how estrogen sensitive you are
I'm going to be running 20 mg every other day to start off with. If I feel like it's too much or not enough I can adjust from there. Thanks for the input!
jdcain19 said:
RickRock said:
jdcain19 said:
I will be running Test E @ 500mg/week so I will have a Test base.

Thanks for all of the help with this. You guys really cleared some things up for me.

Perfect. Just make sure you run some aromasin along with it because of the aromatization of both the test and the Dbol. I would run it anywhere from 12.5-25mg EOD depending on how estrogen sensitive you are
I'm going to be running 20 mg every other day to start off with. If I feel like it's too much or not enough I can adjust from there. Thanks for the input!

VERY WISE and I am glad to hear that you have a grasp on this concept... very smart method here and I LOVE how you pointed out listening to your body and assessing from there... You have it spot on... nothing converts to estrogen at as high of a rate as dbol does but staying on top of it, as you appear to be will make your life so much easier bro...
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