Hey Dylan,
I got done watching your iSARMs YouTube video “Comparing LGD-4033 and MK-2866” and I had a question about Ostarine and thought this was the best way to reach you.
My goal is to recomp my body, so keep a lean figure but shed fat. I’m currently 23, male, 216lb, with around 21-24% body fat (can’t remember exactly) and I’d like to maybe take it down to at least 18-21%. I’ve been doing anaerobic resistance training consistently for a little over 1 year now and I’ve managed to put on 14lb of muscle the past 10-12 months.
Anyways, my question for you is what sort of diet plan is recommended when taking Ostarine? Obviously I can’t expect to lose body fat by eating the same way I have been but I’ve never really counted my calories before so I'm not 100% sure what my daily caloric intake is right now. Should I reduce my carb intake? Add more protein?
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you do, any feedback is much appreciated friend!
I got done watching your iSARMs YouTube video “Comparing LGD-4033 and MK-2866” and I had a question about Ostarine and thought this was the best way to reach you.
My goal is to recomp my body, so keep a lean figure but shed fat. I’m currently 23, male, 216lb, with around 21-24% body fat (can’t remember exactly) and I’d like to maybe take it down to at least 18-21%. I’ve been doing anaerobic resistance training consistently for a little over 1 year now and I’ve managed to put on 14lb of muscle the past 10-12 months.
Anyways, my question for you is what sort of diet plan is recommended when taking Ostarine? Obviously I can’t expect to lose body fat by eating the same way I have been but I’ve never really counted my calories before so I'm not 100% sure what my daily caloric intake is right now. Should I reduce my carb intake? Add more protein?
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you do, any feedback is much appreciated friend!