
Sarms sides? Specifically S4 and LGD


VIP Member
Just curious do sarms increase libido or agression? Specifically S4 and LGD that is my current stack. Feel like my temper or iratabilty level has increased along with sex drive.
Just curious do sarms increase libido or agression? Specifically S4 and LGD that is my current stack. Feel like my temper or iratabilty level has increased along with sex drive.
Typically most people do not experience a change in libido or aggression on any sarm, but everyone is different
generally no, not at all.. s4 can increase explosiveness in the gym and both increase power and strength but i never hear of aggression on them at all but you know, some people, even at very very small hormonal changes can have this happen... its just not a common occurrence with sarms at all
Ok thanx for the info I figured that was the case I am prob just under stress then really appreciate the fast response
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