
Sarms question


New member
I've just finished a 12 week cycle of S4 and GW501 and I was wondering if I could go into a mass building cycle right after? Is it perfectly fine doing two different cycles back to back or should I stop and just chill for awhile? I'm 6ft 193lbs age 24
I've just finished a 12 week cycle of S4 and GW501 and I was wondering if I could go into a mass building cycle right after? Is it perfectly fine doing two different cycles back to back or should I stop and just chill for awhile? I'm 6ft 193lbs age 24

You must pct after your SARMS cycle, then wait two to three weeks before starting another sarms cycle. Where are your SARMS from?

This is the pct you should be running after your cycle

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
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