Hey Dylan, first I want to thank you for the work you do. I am a YouTube subscriber. Because of your information I started using LGD-4033 stacked with MK-2866 primarily for their healing qualities. I’m almost 61 and Have had a hard road to recovery after a bad accident almost 3 years ago. I currently do weight training EOD and swimming for cardio EOD. I work out with max weight and to my limits each time and I’m seeing substantial muscle gain (still struggling with the visceral fat though
So here is my question, have you ever heard complaints of these sarms causing loss of ability to sleep? I’ve never had problems going to sleep and staying asleep until recently. I did a 6 week cycle starting about 9 weeks ago with a Winstrol and Anavar split with 150mg Test Prop EOD. I stacked these with LGD-4033 and MK-2866. After the 6 weeks with win/ana I Kept up the test prop and started adding test e to continue the cycle for 12 weeks. I’m currently on 400mg test e and .5mg Arimidex every third day as well as continued use of the sarms.
I’ve been on TRT for almost 5 years so I plan to cruise after another 3 weeks at 200mg test e or test c until I decide if I want to do another test/ sarms cycle after a couple months. I know everyone says not to use steroids until you are already in good condition but I am in a hurry to recomp before I retire out of the country after the first of the year. I’m still around 19-20% BF but I’ve added 2.5” in my chest and 1.5” in my biceps in the past 8 weeks. I’m pretty stoked!
I know this is a lot to read but I wanted your input on my regiment but most importantly, do you see anything here that might hinder my sleep? I can’t grow and heal without sufficient sleep.
Thanks for taking the time here. I, among many others, appreciate your efforts and caring.

So here is my question, have you ever heard complaints of these sarms causing loss of ability to sleep? I’ve never had problems going to sleep and staying asleep until recently. I did a 6 week cycle starting about 9 weeks ago with a Winstrol and Anavar split with 150mg Test Prop EOD. I stacked these with LGD-4033 and MK-2866. After the 6 weeks with win/ana I Kept up the test prop and started adding test e to continue the cycle for 12 weeks. I’m currently on 400mg test e and .5mg Arimidex every third day as well as continued use of the sarms.
I’ve been on TRT for almost 5 years so I plan to cruise after another 3 weeks at 200mg test e or test c until I decide if I want to do another test/ sarms cycle after a couple months. I know everyone says not to use steroids until you are already in good condition but I am in a hurry to recomp before I retire out of the country after the first of the year. I’m still around 19-20% BF but I’ve added 2.5” in my chest and 1.5” in my biceps in the past 8 weeks. I’m pretty stoked!
I know this is a lot to read but I wanted your input on my regiment but most importantly, do you see anything here that might hinder my sleep? I can’t grow and heal without sufficient sleep.
Thanks for taking the time here. I, among many others, appreciate your efforts and caring.