
SARM Cycle


New member
Hey Dylan,

Started my SARM cycle with LGD and S4. Just had a couple of questions. I have done a ton of research, more than I should have and probably have over looked some information, so some questions I ask could have been answered by myself, maybe. For the past month I've spent several hours a night just studying SARMS, SERMS, AAS, the whole nine yards.

First question. When would be the absolute BEST time to dose my S4. I plan to be splitting it up into half doses throughout the day and I am aware of the half life of this particular SARM. I was either thinking 8 am and 8 pm but by the time my second dose is taken, most of the S4 will be out of my body by that time so that makes me question when I should dose. Should I take them closer together like within 6 hours of each other? Like noon and then 5 pm? I workout at 6 pm everyday when I get out of work. I make sure I get my LGD in atleast an hour before my workout.

Second question, this is a suppressive cycle so can I take test throughout this 8 week cycle I have planned or should I wait till the end and take it during my PCT?

I'd appreciate any response. I've seen you all over and know you are full of very helpful information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Dylan,

Started my SARM cycle with LGD and S4. Just had a couple of questions. I have done a ton of research, more than I should have and probably have over looked some information, so some questions I ask could have been answered by myself, maybe. For the past month I've spent several hours a night just studying SARMS, SERMS, AAS, the whole nine yards.

First question. When would be the absolute BEST time to dose my S4. I plan to be splitting it up into half doses throughout the day and I am aware of the half life of this particular SARM. I was either thinking 8 am and 8 pm but by the time my second dose is taken, most of the S4 will be out of my body by that time so that makes me question when I should dose. Should I take them closer together like within 6 hours of each other? Like noon and then 5 pm? I workout at 6 pm everyday when I get out of work. I make sure I get my LGD in atleast an hour before my workout.

Second question, this is a suppressive cycle so can I take test throughout this 8 week cycle I have planned or should I wait till the end and take it during my PCT?

I'd appreciate any response. I've seen you all over and know you are full of very helpful information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1. i will give you a complete layout on exactly how to dose it... where did you get your sarms from??

2. bro, sarms are very mild on suppression... you do understand test is a steroid and very suppressive right? what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat?

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Hey Dylan,

Started my SARM cycle with LGD and S4. Just had a couple of questions. I have done a ton of research, more than I should have and probably have over looked some information, so some questions I ask could have been answered by myself, maybe. For the past month I've spent several hours a night just studying SARMS, SERMS, AAS, the whole nine yards.

First question. When would be the absolute BEST time to dose my S4. I plan to be splitting it up into half doses throughout the day and I am aware of the half life of this particular SARM. I was either thinking 8 am and 8 pm but by the time my second dose is taken, most of the S4 will be out of my body by that time so that makes me question when I should dose. Should I take them closer together like within 6 hours of each other? Like noon and then 5 pm? I workout at 6 pm everyday when I get out of work. I make sure I get my LGD in atleast an hour before my workout.

Second question, this is a suppressive cycle so can I take test throughout this 8 week cycle I have planned or should I wait till the end and take it during my PCT?

I'd appreciate any response. I've seen you all over and know you are full of very helpful information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This cycle is not overly suppressive at all. No sarms are. Adding test to this cycle will shut you down completely, and if you were to do that you are going to need a full pct afterwards. You also NEVER take test during a pct. that completely defeats the purpose of coming off and recovering
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