

What are your guys real expirence, don't bs me to try and convince! Let me see!!

For me, it works just like a mild dose of Winstrol without the toxicity and side effects from it. I get insane hardening, vascularity, and it leans me out. I also get some pretty decent strength gains while on it
What are your guys real expirence, don't bs me to try and convince! Let me see!!

This is a BS free zone brother !

S4 is truly shines in the strength & hardening department & the leaner you are the more cosmetically awesome it is, & vascularity is sick too !
yep all of what everyone else has said, I am on my 3rd cycle and all have s4 included.
Yeah bro of course you're gonna get results if you're on a steroid cycle, you can throw in anything and steroids will make it look like its the product working. I want to know what it will be like just S4 alone I tried LGD AND GW and got little to no results and I heard s4 is the strongest so maybe it should try this
it prolly is good alone but obvi better stacked. but all you can do is try it. I think you will be happy with the strength gains and all that come with it
okay bro, I'm not fat by any means but I'm not ripped flat stomach got the V taper look, but I'm not vascular bro, would S4 change that?!

s4 is excellent for that... s4 is the strongest sarm of them all... it increases strength, lean body mass, vascularity and is excellent for muscle hardening... in the steroid world, it would be similar to winstrol... not as strong but similar in many ways... you will love s4... has the best s4 you can find...
Yeah bro most likely, I was on LGD and it gave me super bad acne! I was put on accutane cause of it! You think S4 alone is great??

S4 can be great solo, if it fits well for what you are looking for. It's excellent for strength, fat loss, hardening, and vascularity with some lean gains as well
it all depends on your goal... i can tell you that one of the best duo stacks you can run is s4 and lgd4033... the way these two work together and feed off one another is extremely ideal and highly desirable for the gains made...
I noticed veins popping up on my biceps, forearms etc. I never had those visible before. Pump at the first sets. I've ran S4, GW, Osta, and SR-9009 so far. S4 is my favorite in all four.

Sides: I only had 10 seconds adjustment issue when I walk inside from outside. Also, darkness when I go to bed. Nothing else. The dose was 50-60mg ed. Next time, I will try higher dose like 80-100. I am hoping it would make it even better!
I noticed veins popping up on my biceps, forearms etc. I never had those visible before. Pump at the first sets. I've ran S4, GW, Osta, and SR-9009 so far. S4 is my favorite in all four.

Sides: I only had 10 seconds adjustment issue when I walk inside from outside. Also, darkness when I go to bed. Nothing else. The dose was 50-60mg ed. Next time, I will try higher dose like 80-100. I am hoping it would make it even better!

thanks for the feedback bro and awesome results... s4 is serious bro, huh!?! I always say its the strongest sarm of them all for a reason! make sure when you raise the dose that you follow my protocol..
Yeah bro of course you're gonna get results if you're on a steroid cycle, you can throw in anything and steroids will make it look like its the product working. I want to know what it will be like just S4 alone I tried LGD AND GW and got little to no results and I heard s4 is the strongest so maybe it should try this

That's interesting. I work with 2 dudes that used LGD solo and put on some nice clean muscle.
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