
s4 expirience

Good: strength went up in the first 4 weeks by almost 25% in most lifts
Bad: Yellow tint to lights, but even more so very hard to see in the dark.

Would I do it again......YES!!
I wanted to know everyone's honest expirience with s4 the goods and bad, might be giving it a go.

the ONLY negative i have ever encountered is the vision issue which was not even that bad to me whatsoever... it was definitely something i can deal with especially considering what you get from s4...

for me, i notice the muscle hardening rapidly... it shows big time on me and i love that.. then the vascularity which is highly pronounced, then the strength, which you get more of with s4 than any other sarm and the lean muscle gain with fat loss... also you do get boosts in endurance... s4 is amazing and i always say its the strongest of any sarm...
yep same as above sides with yellow tint and dark to light adjustment but recovers fast within seconds it freaks you out a bit at first but then you get used to it. but hell yes I will run it again and will be soon. I love it especially stacked with gw sr and mk2866
the ONLY negative i have ever encountered is the vision issue which was not even that bad to me whatsoever... it was definitely something i can deal with especially considering what you get from s4...

for me, i notice the muscle hardening rapidly... it shows big time on me and i love that.. then the vascularity which is highly pronounced, then the strength, which you get more of with s4 than any other sarm and the lean muscle gain with fat loss... also you do get boosts in endurance... s4 is amazing and i always say its the strongest of any sarm...

What about if you drive at night a lot of the time?? Since I train at 8:30pm and finished around 10-11 pm night driving is usual for me
how far is the drive? I had a little difficulty my first run but I was up to about 100 mgs this last run I had no issues hardly at all but I didn't push it to 100 maybe 60-70 was my sweet spot so you just have to tweak as needed the good thing is it comes back to normal very quickly
What about if you drive at night a lot of the time?? Since I train at 8:30pm and finished around 10-11 pm night driving is usual for me

when i lived in maui, i lived in what they call up country... i worked downtown and had to drive up country at 10-11 every night... the thing about upcountry is it is horribly lit with limited lights... i had to turn off the interstate into a long winding road with barely any lights etc... i never had any issues driving home is my point... i would get a little tripped out with headlights on the interstate but it was more cool than anything to be honest.. some people get hit quite hard and some not much at all in terms of the sides... i cant guarantee it wont effect you more so than others but it may not as well.. you will learn as you take it...
when i lived in maui, i lived in what they call up country... i worked downtown and had to drive up country at 10-11 every night... the thing about upcountry is it is horribly lit with limited lights... i had to turn off the interstate into a long winding road with barely any lights etc... i never had any issues driving home is my point... i would get a little tripped out with headlights on the interstate but it was more cool than anything to be honest.. some people get hit quite hard and some not much at all in terms of the sides... i cant guarantee it wont effect you more so than others but it may not as well.. you will learn as you take it...

Hope it wasn't the road to Hana....;)
when i lived in maui, i lived in what they call up country... i worked downtown and had to drive up country at 10-11 every night... the thing about upcountry is it is horribly lit with limited lights... i had to turn off the interstate into a long winding road with barely any lights etc... i never had any issues driving home is my point... i would get a little tripped out with headlights on the interstate but it was more cool than anything to be honest.. some people get hit quite hard and some not much at all in terms of the sides... i cant guarantee it wont effect you more so than others but it may not as well.. you will learn as you take it...

I wear glasses my eyesight is pretty bad haha I can't see close nor far so I always wear glasses.. Would that effect it more???
I will avoid driving at night when using S4, it could be very scary bro. I used it for about 4 weeks and then I had to stop for 2 weeks till I changed my work schedule to early mornings. Now I'm back again using S4. But for sure I will never use it if I have to drive at night. That's my honest opinion bro.

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As far as results. Is the best thing ever. You will love it for sure.

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I wanted to know everyone's honest expirience with s4 the goods and bad, might be giving it a go.
There is no bad with S4 except vision sides which are easily controlled with proper dosing

The positives: insane hardness and vascularity with very good strength gains all on Par with winstrol in some ways without the side effects!!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I've been taking S4 for almost a month now.The strength & muscle hardness are through the roof.I upped my dose to 60mg(30mgx2) a day after the first two weeks.My strength went up 10% in the first two weeks!
I drive at night & the vision sides are not that bad.They're a little distracting at the most.I wouldn't say they're dangerous.I only really notice it for the first hour or two when it goes from light to dark outside.Everything has a cool looking green tint to it.For some reason I get a green tint instead of a yellow one like everybody else.
If you have bad eyes you should keep it at 50mg a day for the first week ,then try a little more after that to gauge your dose & find your sweet spot.
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