
S4 100mg club


Hey brothers!

approaching the end of my 12 week SARM cycle running various SARMS.
running S4 at 100mg a day with ZERO vision effects, and insane vascularity!
who else is running S4 @100mg and what benefits/side effects are you having?
Hey brothers!

approaching the end of my 12 week SARM cycle running various SARMS.
running S4 at 100mg a day with ZERO vision effects, and insane vascularity!
who else is running S4 @100mg and what benefits/side effects are you having?
I've ran it there a few times, and its pretty sweet at that dose. I do get the vision sides but they are minor and not that bad. Lately I've just been sticking with 50mg per day where I basically get none and still have amazing results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I've ran it there a few times, and its pretty sweet at that dose. I do get the vision sides but they are minor and not that bad. Lately I've just been sticking with 50mg per day where I basically get none and still have amazing results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

i have enough to run at this dose till the end of the cycle so thought why not :)
I ran it at 100mg ED for the last month.What a helluva ride.Muscles felt like granite,my veins had veins on them.The vision sides were a bit extreme for me though.I was pretty much blind for 30 seconds going into a dark room from a bright room.It screwed with my color vision at nighttime too.Especially the traffic lights.That's kind of important being I drive for a living.LOL.It took a solid 5 days for it all to clear out of me(based on the vision sides).I think next time I'll stop at 75mg a day.
ive said this for many years and rick can attest to it because he and I were some of the lucky ones able to make it to 100 mg per day... that is far and away where s4 takes it to an entire different level... you see how strong it is with the lower doses but at 100 mg its unreal... unfortunately its so difficult to get to that point and its out of your control if you can't... the best thing to do is follow my s4 protocol and hope to get there.. here is the protocol link...

here is my video on it...

i can generally get a few weeks at 100 mg and its just amazing... if you get there, you will quickly see just how strong it can be...
never rush getting to 100 mg... do it the right way or you will never make it through an entire cycle...
ive said this for many years and rick can attest to it because he and I were some of the lucky ones able to make it to 100 mg per day... that is far and away where s4 takes it to an entire different level... you see how strong it is with the lower doses but at 100 mg its unreal... unfortunately its so difficult to get to that point and its out of your control if you can't... the best thing to do is follow my s4 protocol and hope to get there.. here is the protocol link...

here is my video on it...

i can generally get a few weeks at 100 mg and its just amazing... if you get there, you will quickly see just how strong it can be...

Dylan if I can pick your brain for a minute.If I were to start S4 on 75mg a day for say 10 weeks,then bump it up to 100mgs the last two,how many bottles would I need for the 12 weeks?
50mgs doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for me.I think 75mgs is my sweet spot,but I'd like to bump it to 100mgs for the last couple weeks.
Im finishing up an 8 week cycle of s4, i started out at 50mg and was blind after 2 weeks but i dealt with it and moved up. Of course halfway through i had to get a new bottle at which i ran at 75-100mg with zero eye side effects...weird huh
I am at 75mg a day for over a week with zero vision sides. I think i could push it to 100mg and still get no vision sides
Dylan if I can pick your brain for a minute.If I were to start S4 on 75mg a day for say 10 weeks,then bump it up to 100mgs the last two,how many bottles would I need for the 12 weeks?

One bottle at 75mg a day should give you 20 days worth. So at least 5 bottles I think for all that

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
Code JS5 for 5% off
Im finishing up an 8 week cycle of s4, i started out at 50mg and was blind after 2 weeks but i dealt with it and moved up. Of course halfway through i had to get a new bottle at which i ran at 75-100mg with zero eye side effects...weird huh

you're wasting gains bro, run for 12 weeks :)
Dylan if I can pick your brain for a minute.If I were to start S4 on 75mg a day for say 10 weeks,then bump it up to 100mgs the last two,how many bottles would I need for the 12 weeks?
You'll need 4-5 bottles total bro

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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