
Recovery Help - Need Advice


Hey guys, I m looking for something to help recovery...

Cyclist Legs always sore!!! Been really trying to build FTP and Watts the last few months...
Between Climber, TTer, Sprinter.
I am a sprinter.

Try to eat and sleep well

Pure Essence S4
Pure Essence GW
Pure Essence SR9009
Pure Essence LGD
Pure Essence MK677
Pure Essence MK2866
Pure Essence CLOM

Lift 3 days a week - squat almost every gym session.
Cycle (bike) 5 days a week.

Endurance Athlete looking to recover Quicker...

Thoughts? Questions?

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Can you give a little more detail. Are you actually taking all those compounds or are you planning to? What does PER mean? Also I'm not a cyclist but am a cardio junkie. I noticed a few years ago I was actually getting slower when I was squating and training legs extensively 3 days a week. I ended only doing heavy compound movements one day a week and doing accessory and body weight high rep movements on another day a week and it drastically improved my recovery.
u don't need to take the clomid now take it at the end of your cycle the last 4 weeks. 3 weeks after your last test pin start clomid and possibly the mk and gw how long are you running this? 8 or 12 weeks?
Squat 3Xweek and 5 cycling sessions? No wonder your legs are always sore. I would consider a deload and letting up on the workouts.........perhaps drop a squat session to start.
Can you give a little more detail. Are you actually taking all those compounds or are you planning to? What does PER mean? Also I'm not a cyclist but am a cardio junkie. I noticed a few years ago I was actually getting slower when I was squating and training legs extensively 3 days a week. I ended only doing heavy compound movements one day a week and doing accessory and body weight high rep movements on another day a week and it drastically improved my recovery.

Thanks man!!! Yes, taking all now... PER means Pure Essence...
u don't need to take the clomid now take it at the end of your cycle the last 4 weeks. 3 weeks after your last test pin start clomid and possibly the mk and gw how long are you running this? 8 or 12 weeks?


all other pure essence is slated for 12 weeks
Squat 3Xweek and 5 cycling sessions? No wonder your legs are always sore. I would consider a deload and letting up on the workouts.........perhaps drop a squat session to start.

I know, I know... but PEDs help weightlifters do more volume in the gym... :)

I am looking for something to help so I do not have to cut a ton of volume...

I usually do a 4 week rotation of 3 weeks building and then 1 week of half(ish) volume (recovery week)
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In order to improve recovery, you are probably going to have to either cut intensity, frequency, or volume. It's going to be one of them. You said you don't want to really reduce volume so your only other options is intensity or frequency. so you may have to reduce workload by going to a lighter weight, doing more reps, etc. or the more logical approach is to reduce frequency. Sounds like frequency is your problem

Squatting every gym session sounds pretty counterproductive to me. You have to allow yourself time to rest and recover in order to progress.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
In order to improve recovery, you are probably going to have to either cut intensity, frequency, or volume. It's going to be one of them. You said you don't want to really reduce volume so your only other options is intensity or frequency. so you may have to reduce workload by going to a lighter weight, doing more reps, etc. or the more logical approach is to reduce frequency. Sounds like frequency is your problem

Squatting every gym session sounds pretty counterproductive to me. You have to allow yourself time to rest and recover in order to progress.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks Rick!

I know, I know BUT, I am looking for a PED to help me recover faster regardless.

Any Thoughts?
Thanks Rick!

I know, I know BUT, I am looking for a PED to help me recover faster regardless.

Any Thoughts?

Also, you must understand that PEDs will help recovery of muscle but that does not mean that the other "stuff" (ligaments, tendons, etc) can always keep up. Trust me, this I can say from personal experience..............the AAS can help you push harder because of your quick recovery but I have NEVER had any injuries from overtraining until AAS. So, in your case it may compound the situation.

From a different angle though, several people that use AAS are telling you that you may need to slow down to make gains. It seems like you are pretty set on medicating you way out of it but it would be very remiss to disregard this advice so quickly.
In order to improve recovery, you are probably going to have to either cut intensity, frequency, or volume. It's going to be one of them. You said you don't want to really reduce volume so your only other options is intensity or frequency. so you may have to reduce workload by going to a lighter weight, doing more reps, etc. or the more logical approach is to reduce frequency. Sounds like frequency is your problem

Squatting every gym session sounds pretty counterproductive to me. You have to allow yourself time to rest and recover in order to progress.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Agree! Easier said than done
Also, you must understand that PEDs will help recovery of muscle but that does not mean that the other "stuff" (ligaments, tendons, etc) can always keep up. Trust me, this I can say from personal experience..............the AAS can help you push harder because of your quick recovery but I have NEVER had any injuries from overtraining until AAS. So, in your case it may compound the situation.

From a different angle though, several people that use AAS are telling you that you may need to slow down to make gains. It seems like you are pretty set on medicating you way out of it but it would be very remiss to disregard this advice so quickly.

Thanks Texas...
I have an all or nothing personality... It is why I gain so fast but sometimes crash and burn...
I am Willing to listen and it is not that I want to "medicate my way out of it" - BUT I would like to maximize any PEDs to my advantage just like everyone on this board.
I am willing to do less volume, etc - however the only thing suggested so far to maximize recovery from a PED standpoint is mk2866 (which I already use).
I appreciate all the advice on volume/slowing down/ etc (it is sound advice). I have been upfront about what I do.

In the gym I mostly strength train as I don't need extra weight being a cyclist.

Is mk2866 the only thing out there that can help me recover faster from workout to workout.
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