
Recomp Stack -S4 question


New member
So I had mentioned in a previous thread that i was going to run the ultimate recomp stack (12 weeks). After looking through the forum here, I saw a post by RickRock about a bulking stack that he had recommended to a poster here, so i plan on following the dosage guide posted in that thread.

My question is on the S4. Do I need to stagger the S4 to prevent the eye side effects? I think i remember seeing a post where a user was recommended to stagger days to prevent the eye yellowing, ect. I plan on splitting it 25 am, 25 pm daily.

Thanks a bunch in advance.
So I had mentioned in a previous thread that i was going to run the ultimate recomp stack (12 weeks). After looking through the forum here, I saw a post by RickRock about a bulking stack that he had recommended to a poster here, so i plan on following the dosage guide posted in that thread.

My question is on the S4. Do I need to stagger the S4 to prevent the eye side effects? I think i remember seeing a post where a user was recommended to stagger days to prevent the eye yellowing, ect. I plan on splitting it 25 am, 25 pm daily.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Generally with S4, running the split dose of 25mg AM and 25mg PM is a good starting point, and doses can be adjusted from there. There is no need to skip days or stagger doses. That is for extreme cases where people have strong side effects even at the lower doses. I would stick to the normal protocol. You could always start at a lower dose also if you choose at like 15mg AM and 15mg PM but generally the 50mg split dose works well for most, and then some will taper up as they assess side effects.

I'm not entirely sure which bulking stack you were referring to, unless it was something I tailored to the individual, but the best sarms stack that pure essence carries in the superman stack which is the most extensive and complete stack for the best results there is. The ultra recomp stack I recommended you initially is great, and this superman stack is a step beyond that with the ultimate in results

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)
1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day dosed in the AM
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Remember that 30% off is going strong at Pure essence with the Black Friday sale. Black30 for 30% off
Awesome, thanks a bunch for the advice man. You guys have some awesome products here, and the fact that its all backed with community support and guidance really makes for top notch customer experience. Keep up the great work, its all greatly appreciated!
Awesome, thanks a bunch for the advice man. You guys have some awesome products here, and the fact that its all backed with community support and guidance really makes for top notch customer experience. Keep up the great work, its all greatly appreciated!
It's my pleasure bro. Thank you for the support, and I'll be here if you have any questions! Thank you!
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