
rad 140 confusion


See a lot of conflicting information on rad 140. Currently on s4, lgd, and osta for a recomp at the moment (recomp very nicely). Coming to an end on the 20th of this month and I'm planning a 8week bulk cycle of RAD 140 and andarine. Not trying to get huge as f**k because I train in calisthenics/street workouts, so 5lbs will be just fine. Did Test E a couple of months ago, but all the water/bloat prevented from really doing muscle ups and front levers.

I'm looking for a LEAN bulk with little to NO fat and water gain. I'm really trying to stay away from pinning for awhile. Rad 140 seems to be a substitute for test, but I see a lot of conflicting information. So whats really the deal with rad 140? can I bulk with it or is LGD a better choice?
See a lot of conflicting information on rad 140. Currently on s4, lgd, and osta for a recomp at the moment (recomp very nicely). Coming to an end on the 20th of this month and I'm planning a 8week bulk cycle of RAD 140 and andarine. Not trying to get huge as f**k because I train in calisthenics/street workouts, so 5lbs will be just fine. Did Test E a couple of months ago, but all the water/bloat prevented from really doing muscle ups and front levers.

I'm looking for a LEAN bulk with little to NO fat and water gain. I'm really trying to stay away from pinning for awhile. Rad 140 seems to be a substitute for test, but I see a lot of conflicting information. So whats really the deal with rad 140? can I bulk with it or is LGD a better choice?
lgd is the best bulking sarm you can run.. now rad is excellent for size but not as much as lgd but it also builds more endurance and lean muscle in the process... you cannot go wrong either way
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