So.....I picked up supplies for my first cycle down in Mexico. The test e ended up being fake. stuff was called (Fortebull). I was pissed but had been moving lots of weights around in anticipation of that shit kicking in so i figure im only in a better place to start real test. So after some blood work I started some Euro Pharma Test e sourced from PSL three weeks ago. Ive gained some weight and can see some changes so I feel good about it being legit. I've been taking 12.5 mg EOD of Aromasil from a online pharmacy out of Canada I believe called RxCart. Does anyone know if their Aromasil is legit because I started to get worried about it and upped the dose to 12.5 mg everyday and feel a little better. I also have Clomil (clomid), Anastrodex (armidex), Tamifen (Nolvadex) all from the same source (RxCart). I also have Taxus (Nolvadex) i picked up in Mexico. I may have butchered the spelling but its late and I didnt look it up. Just wanted opinions if ppl here know if this stuff is Legit and that I have what I need to cover myself while i'm on 500 mg a week Test e for 12 weeks and Pct starting week 14. First cycle here so would appreciate any feed back. Thanks. I'd post pics but not sure if I have the clearance to.