
Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle


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I'm on week 9 of my 12 week ostarine cycle. I started off the first week with 12.5mg ED then jumped up to 20mg ED for about a week, then have remained at 25mg ED until now. I began experiencing some great mass and strength gains, though I feel the mass gains have sort of peeked. I don't seem as pumped anymore so I am wondering if that's pretty much it for the ostarine in terms of mass gains? That "on" feeling has sort of subsided--a feeling i'd been absolutely loving!

My strength has consistently risen in which I don't believe that has fully peaked yet.

Would you guys continue with the 12 week cycle or should I just wrap it up, do my PCT and chill off of it for a sec? I have LGD in line for the next cycle.

Anyone have a good experience with continuing on with a 12 week cycle? Any surprise last minute mass gains in weeks 8-12?
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Well pumps aren't any indicator of a growth peak. So I think you're fine. Sure you may have slowed growth but that's got nothing to do with pumps or an "on" feeling. The "on" feeling is just a feeling that we all get used to at some point and also not an indicator or halted growth. Continue the cycle and up your calories and/or try adding an extra day of rest or two during the week. 12 weeks is optimal. Gains always will slow down or stop temporarily because your body simply wants to balance itself out and not grow too fast. However I'm willing to bet you can still grow if you tweak your habits a bit. How much mass have you gained so far?

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
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Well pumps aren't any indicator of a growth peak. So I think you're fine. Sure you may have slowed growth but that's got nothing to do with pumps or an "on" feeling. The "on" feeling is just a feeling that we all get used to at some point and also not an indicator or halted growth. Continue the cycle and up your calories and/or try adding an extra day of rest or two during the week. 12 weeks is optimal. Gains always will slow down or stop temporarily because your body simply wants to balance itself out and not grow too fast. However I'm willing to bet you can still grow if you tweak your habits a bit. How much mass have you gained so far?

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]

Thanks for your reply brother.

Prior to the cycle I was weighing in at about 187, where yesterday I weighed in at 197... So about 10 lbs. I know it ain't all muscle considering the slight water retention, but hey I'll take what I can get.

I am definitely training as hard as I can, though... I am making sure I am earning every bit of it.

Rest has been an issue as all I've been wanting to do is lift. My body has definitely been telling me to chill out a bit.
It can be normal at certain parts of any cycle for gains to start stalling. That's going to happen with anything as your body adapts and myostatin rises. However, you need to stay the course and finish the 12 weeks. Even though gains slowed, there may be a bit more to get, and it also helps to solidify the gains you made by staying on the 12 weeks

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for your reply brother.

Prior to the cycle I was weighing in at about 187, where yesterday I weighed in at 197... So about 10 lbs. I know it ain't all muscle considering the slight water retention, but hey I'll take what I can get.

I am definitely training as hard as I can, though... I am making sure I am earning every bit of it.

Rest has been an issue as all I've been wanting to do is lift. My body has definitely been telling me to chill out a bit.

Yeah give your body some rest. Rest is when you grow, not in the gym so your body could be overloaded. You sure you're holding water from Ostarine? That's not typical.
Yeah give your body some rest. Rest is when you grow, not in the gym so your body could be overloaded. You sure you're holding water from Ostarine? That's not typical.

I am not sure if it's water retention... I just look real smooth sometimes as opposed to hard and dry, so I am assuming it's water retention. I do take creatine as well so it might be that. I've also been eating a lot of carbs lately so I am sure that has something to do with it.
sometimes its just a bit of overtraining or your body needing rest brother... trust me, it happens when your going beast mode... its inevitable and you have to rest to accommodate the growth etc.. you can definitely see gains weeks 9-12... you never want to cut it short... you have done exceptional for an osta only cycle.. now, finish strong, run your mini pct and then move forward with a a new sarms stack...
Too many people neglect rest man. I would start there when trouble shooting your issue here.

If your still feeling flat look at your diet and also training style and switch it up.

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sometimes its just a bit of overtraining or your body needing rest brother... trust me, it happens when your going beast mode... its inevitable and you have to rest to accommodate the growth etc.. you can definitely see gains weeks 9-12... you never want to cut it short... you have done exceptional for an osta only cycle.. now, finish strong, run your mini pct and then move forward with a a new sarms stack...

Any recommendations for a good mini pct?
Hi. I just ordered some osta from Sarmsx and will be running a similar cycle but a much lower dose:

5-10mg. I'm doing it mainly for the healing aspects and any strength and muscle gains would simply be a plus.

My question is - if I ran this for 8 weeks, I assume I would need a pct but a lower dowse than what was recommended for the OP - is that right? Also - don't want to run GW in a pct so should I run anything else with the Clo - like DAa or an Aromatizer?

About me: 49 y/o 6'1 195 17% bf. Old school lifter from the 80's - tried it all back then - but we never PCT'd back in the day - so I'm new to this.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi. I just ordered some osta from Sarmsx and will be running a similar cycle but a much lower dose:

5-10mg. I'm doing it mainly for the healing aspects and any strength and muscle gains would simply be a plus.

My question is - if I ran this for 8 weeks, I assume I would need a pct but a lower dowse than what was recommended for the OP - is that right? Also - don't want to run GW in a pct so should I run anything else with the Clo - like DAa or an Aromatizer?

About me: 49 y/o 6'1 195 17% bf. Old school lifter from the 80's - tried it all back then - but we never PCT'd back in the day - so I'm new to this.

Thanks in advance!

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Start a new thread.

I'm on week 9 of my 12 week ostarine cycle. I started off the first week with 12.5mg ED then jumped up to 20mg ED for about a week, then have remained at 25mg ED until now. I began experiencing some great mass and strength gains, though I feel the mass gains have sort of peeked. I don't seem as pumped anymore so I am wondering if that's pretty much it for the ostarine in terms of mass gains? That "on" feeling has sort of subsided--a feeling i'd been absolutely loving!

My strength has consistently risen in which I don't believe that has fully peaked yet.

Would you guys continue with the 12 week cycle or should I just wrap it up, do my PCT and chill off of it for a sec? I have LGD in line for the next cycle.

Anyone have a good experience with continuing on with a 12 week cycle? Any surprise last minute mass gains in weeks 8-12?

Hi. Just curious if you ran any blood work. I'm week 2 into my cycle and will get bloods done after next week. Trying to find some data on what (if any) effect Ostarine has on lipids, test and Estrogen. Lots of old data out there but nothing current. Good luck with the rest of your cruise bro. Cheers.
Hi. Just curious if you ran any blood work. I'm week 2 into my cycle and will get bloods done after next week. Trying to find some data on what (if any) effect Ostarine has on lipids, test and Estrogen. Lots of old data out there but nothing current. Good luck with the rest of your cruise bro. Cheers.

Ostarine should have no effect at all on lipids like steroids do, and a minimal effect on testosterone levels because of the low suppression. It does not convert to estrogen so that should also be unaffected

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hi. Just curious if you ran any blood work. I'm week 2 into my cycle and will get bloods done after next week. Trying to find some data on what (if any) effect Ostarine has on lipids, test and Estrogen. Lots of old data out there but nothing current. Good luck with the rest of your cruise bro. Cheers.

Hey there.

here's the thread I did with my blood work at week 8:

You can see for yourself that it actually did have a huge impact on my test and estrogen. Not running anything else anabolic besides ostarine

My libido is functioning fine despite all that though. Still super horny and motivated.

I am on week 10 of my 12 week cycle. I am continuing to build size and strength and my pumps are phenomenal. A ton of people have been commenting on the size i've put on. Though my test is suppressed on paper, I really don't feel it. I still get erections fine when it comes to sex, I am not lethargic at all, and I'm ready to attack the day. I definitely feel 'on' pretty much all day.
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