
Question about sarm cycle and a break from gym..


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Alright so my wife just had our first child a little over a week ago and I'd planned to take a two-week break from the gym. I'd also planned to begin a 12-16 week Ostarine cycle once I started back up. I received my sarms in like 3 days which meant I got super excited to start lifting again! I thought what the hell, I'll just give it a one week rest and went back yesterday after resting for a week and took my first dose of osta on the way. Upon getting to the gym I realized I should still probably give myself another week rest as I still felt a little burnt out (I haven't taken a rest in over a year--been hitting it hard week after week).

So my question is this: You guys think it would be okay to keep taking the Ostarine (25mg ED) while I rested for another week to continually let it build up in my system? Or should I just wait to re-dose until I get back in the gym next week?

Thanks guys.
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What's up guys?

Alright so my wife just had our first child a little over a week ago and I'd planned to take a two-week break from the gym. I'd also planned to begin a 12-16 week Ostarine cycle once I started back up. I received my sarms in like 3 days which meant I got super excited to start lifting again! I thought what the hell, I'll just give it a one week rest and went back yesterday after resting for a week and took my first dose of osta on the way. Upon getting to the gym I realized I should still probably give myself another week rest as I still felt a little burnt out (I haven't taken a rest in over a year--been hitting it hard week after week).

So my question is this: You guys think it would be okay to keep taking the Ostarine (25mg ED) while I rested for another week to continually let it build up in my system? Or should I just wait to re-dose until I get back in the gym next week?

Thanks guys.

you can start it now bro.. its fine to get it working because osta takes a few weeks to really kick in... i would do some random exercises at home to ease into it... 100 pushups and situps type thing, maybe some jump rumps, box jumps etc... just to get some blood flow and some activity...
Congrats on the baby. You're going to be a jacked dad soon hah.

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