
Primobolan (Methenolone)


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What is Primobolan?

Primobolan (Menthenolone) is one of, if not, the most popular injectable anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) used for cutting cycles. It is also well-known that Arnold Schwarenegger helped to make primobolan as popular as it is amongst bodybuilders through interviews and supposed use.

Primbolan is viewed upon as a weaker steroid in terms of size and side effects. It has low anabolic/androgenic ratings although it is stronger than masteron. Masteron is always related to cutting cycles so this should also allow primobolan to gain credibility as a cutting steroid.

Primo has a huge advantage over most steroids, as it’s stronger than testosterone at binding to the androgen receptor. As with most dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related AAS, primobolan is a good aid for fat loss. In addition, primo doesn’t aromatize, so you won’t need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it. Primobolan was tested by in the 70's and 80's by many bodybuilders as gynecomastia treatment. As strange as it sounds, it has been medically proven to reduce breast tumors in women (which are mainly estrogen related).

Since primobolan increases nitrogen retention, it’s been touted as anti-catabolic, and somewhat anabolic (which can be disputed). In simple terms, it helps you keep your muscle mass while you’re dieting. That’s one of the biggest reasons it’s used on cutting cycles. Anecdotally, evidence shows that by using primobolan during low-calorie diets (even 20-30% below your BMR), you can keep your current lean muscle while gaining new muscle tissue. While this seems to be against basic understanding of nutrition, we’ll chuck this one to the magic of steroids. I can safely say, multiple clients of mine have used primobolan for pre-contest or pre-modeling cycles and have literally gained lean mass while losing body fat. I’m not saying they became mass monsters, but an average 1 pound of muscle mass per week while dropping body fat isn’t too bad. This is just one of the MANY reasons why primobolan is my all time favorite steroid.
Do I inject primobolan or take it orally?

Currently, there are two forms of primo on the market. The first, and most popular, version is enanthate, which is an injectable form. It comes in an oil based solution in ampules or multi-use vials. The second version is acetate, which is an oral 1-methylated version. Both esters have benefits and drawbacks.
The oral version is one of the more interesting oral compounds Ive looked into. For starters, its one of the few compounds available to athletes and bodybuilders which is both oral as well as non-17-alpha-alkylation. This alteration is what allows oral steroids to survive their first pass through your liver, but also makes them Hepatoxic (Liver toxic). Oral Primo does not have this feature, so it is very mild on your liver (actually it basically isn’t liver toxic at all), but also is largely destroyed by it, since 17 beta estrification and 1 alkylation is the method used to make primobolan orally available. A high dosage is required to make it effective.

What are the side effects of primobolan?
Just like with other steroids, primo is suppressive. The rumors about primo being safe enough not to require post cycle therapy (PCT) are completely false. Scientific studies have shown glycoprotein hormones, the hormones responsible for FSH and LH, are decreased by almost 65% after using a small oral dose of primobolan daily. In addition, the oral version is hard on the liver, and to some degree the injectable version. Lastly, if you’re prone to hair loss, you’ll need to be careful with primo. It’s fairly harsh on the hairline like most DHT derivatives.

How to use Primobolan? And at what dosages?

Primobolan would be viewed upon as the “Louis Vuitton of steroids. It is far higher end in terms of price and often faked as well. You need to use fairly high doses to get good results.
For men, injectable dosages should be 600-800mgs per week or higher, and oral dosages should be around 75-100mgs per day. Many find that oral needs to be dosed closer to 150 mg to truly obtain max results.
For women, I suggest using only oral primobolan. Around 10mgs per day seems to be a good amount to start with. You should play with the dosage but never go over 20mgs per day.
I would prefer women avoid primo use altogether however this is the safest method of use.

What is the half-life of primobolan?
For the injectable version, Primobolan Enanthate, the half-life is around 10 days. The oral version has conflicting evidence about half-life. There are some studies that claim Primobolan Acetate has a 4 hour half-life, while others claim 6 hours. Therefore, to be safe, oral primo has a 4 to 6 hour half-life.

Primobolan Profile (Methenolone)
  • (Oral Version is + Acetate Ester)
    (Injectable Version is + Enanthate Ester)
    Molecular weight of base: 302.4558
    Molecular weight of Acetate ester: 60.0524
    Molecular weight of Enanthate ester: 130.1864
    Formula: C20H30O2
    Melting Point:
    Manufacturer: Schering
    Effective dose(oral): (Men)50-100mgs/day; (Women) 10-25mgs/day
    Effective dose (injectable): (Men) 350-600mgs/week; (Women) 100mgs/week
    Active Life: 10-14 days (injectable); 4-6hrs (oral)
    Detection Time: 4-5 weeks
    Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 88:44-57

I would just like to touch on the greatness of primobolan. For me, there is nothing better. To have something that provides continuous lean gains, with very little side effects and allows you to feel as good as it does, makes it very optimal. Everything about REAL primobolan is clean and exquisite. Primobolan stacks well with any steroid and provides a user with the type of gains and general feeling of well-being that everyone desires. For me, there is none better and most find this to be true when they are able to use quality primobolan.

By: Dylan Gemelli

Due to Primo's cost, we had discontinued it from our line but the support of AR for one of the greatest drugs ever created here is overwhelming so this will be added back soon.

We offer all of our injectables as 20ml juggs as opposed to small standard 10mls. We've found that people never just order one little vial anyway and it allows us to offer a small discount.

As for Primo, we would do the same. Question for the board, should we dose it at 200mg? Obviously this dose would be reflected in the cost but it could be much more convenient.

Let us know
200mg would be far more convenient in my opinion or else your looking at a good 8ccs a week at 100mg kinda gets old

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I dont mean biotech primo. Lol I'm sure its legit. Inside joke between me and KW.
Bio-Tech said:
Due to Primo's cost, we had discontinued it from our line but the support of AR for one of the greatest drugs ever created here is overwhelming so this will be added back soon.

We offer all of our injectables as 20ml juggs as opposed to small standard 10mls. We've found that people never just order one little vial anyway and it allows us to offer a small discount.

As for Primo, we would do the same. Question for the board, should we dose it at 200mg? Obviously this dose would be reflected in the cost but it could be much more convenient.

Let us know

Primobolan is something that has always sparked my interest, despite never actually trying it. For one the cost is steep, and with the high potential of primo being faked out there from many labs, it has steered me cleer so far. The reputation of biotech along with a 20ml option and especially 200mg/ml, would be more than enough incentive for me to try and give primo a shot finally! I really like the idea of a 20ml jug of 200mg per ml. One thing about primo is that there is a LOT of oil volume for injections if you want to dose it correctly when it's only 100mg per ml. You are talking 6-8ccs of just primo per week to run a decent dose. Twice the concentration would be perfect to cut that in half, just as long as the PIP isnt too bad. So I say go for it! I can't wait to try it!
You ever bought primo?

100mg 10ml vial is like $120 on the low end.

That means these vials would be like 4 times that. $480 a vial!

I know that whoever is gonna cycle would pay that much anyhow but do you think that they would become blind to logic after the price tag?

I have before so who am I to question.
Re: RE: Re: Primobolan (Methenolone)

TheSVPdeal said:
You ever bought primo?

100mg 10ml vial is like $120 on the low end.

That means these vials would be like 4 times that. $480 a vial!

I know that whoever is gonna cycle would pay that much anyhow but do you think that they would become blind to logic after the price tag?

I have before so who am I to question.
You are right about the price tag, but the way I look at is this....Usually higher concentrated primo is still cheaper than just buying two vials of 100mg per ml, then having a 20ml jug option would probably extend cost savings even a little further. That could end up being a decent deal considering someone wanting to buy primo is going to need at least that amount to run a decent cycle anyways. If you are on a budget, primo definitely isn't for you!!
its to my understanding that 200 mgs of REAL primo cant "fit" into a ml of oil. The drug is "molecularly dense" and that's y only made in 100mg, 1ml amps by bayer! I have used bayer amps twice and the results were simply PERFECT! clean, lean and dry gains. stacked w 500 mg test e. I ran it 600 mgs first time w great results, then 800 mgs with AWESOME results! I also just ran it at 800 mgs of an UGL lab. I did get "primo like" results (including backs pumps which I get from real primo), but I did retain some more water compared to the previous primo cycles!
Ive run 200 mg a day and it was awesome.I run now 100 a day and still feel great.Ive been on it now for at least 18 months.Not sure if I'll stop (seriously) .I have a guy running 200 mg eod along with 50g prop eod hgh 3 iu ed.This is basically an anti aging / feel good cycle.It is an awesome drug.After my labs I will determine if a break is necessary.
its to my understanding that 200 mgs of REAL primo cant "fit" into a ml of oil. The drug is "molecularly dense" and that's y only made in 100mg, 1ml amps by bayer! I have used bayer amps twice and the results were simply PERFECT! clean, lean and dry gains. stacked w 500 mg test e. I ran it 600 mgs first time w great results, then 800 mgs with AWESOME results! I also just ran it at 800 mgs of an UGL lab. I did get "primo like" results (including backs pumps which I get from real primo), but I did retain some more water compared to the previous primo cycles!

if you retained water with primo then it wasn't primo... no chance... also, 200 mg of real primo most certainly can "fit" into a ml of oil... more bullshit that is passed around... i think, and call me crazy, but i think, having ran primo nearly 10 times now or more, i have a grasp on it... i dont run a cycle without it and i often low dose cruise with it as well... i never run it under 800 mg week..
there is a lot of confusion on primo and unfortunately a lot of bull shit that gets passed around... ive been through it all with primo... what i do know is this... it is the cleanest steroid that gives that kind of result... its a slower gain but its clean, its continuous, its sustainable and you feel fucking great the entire time... it earns it's name without a doubt..
if you retained water with primo then it wasn't primo... no chance... also, 200 mg of real primo most certainly can "fit" into a ml of oil... more bullshit that is passed around... i think, and call me crazy, but i think, having ran primo nearly 10 times now or more, i have a grasp on it... i dont run a cycle without it and i often low dose cruise with it as well... i never run it under 800 mg week..

Well. Im not gonna get in a debate or argument about 200 fitting in 1 ml. But also saw the same thing about test. Cant fit 500 mgs of test into 1ml. It can be done technically but the shots would be painful as fuck

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Well. Im not gonna get in a debate or argument about 200 fitting in 1 ml. But also saw the same thing about test. Cant fit 500 mgs of test into 1ml. It can be done technically but the shots would be painful as fuck

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there is no debate... there's absolutely nothing to debate... i've had it several times... ive seen it done etc... there is NOTHING to debate about it and yes, of course 500 would be painful as fuck... can it be done, yes but it doesn't make it a good thing whatsoever..
I'm a chemical engineer And brew. I can get 300mg primo in one ml. It's all about your solvents.


exactly... now, are there many who have no clue what they are doing, yes, of course but if you do, then it most certainly can and often is done properly....
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